CenterForDigitalHumanities / glossing-entries

Descriptions of new glosses and manuscripts, a data entry interface
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Improve Canonical Reference Constructor on Forms #236

Open thehabes opened 1 week ago

thehabes commented 1 week ago

The current Canonical Reference Locator cannot accommodate an author plus text, e.g. “Caesarius of Arles, Homilia 1”, and isn’t great for referring to texts that do not have standard text divisions.

When there are no standard text divisions we need to be able to stipulate the standard or critical edition, page and line numbers, which is the most specific way we can refer to a section of text that is being glossed. This will help support DOIs from stakeholder projects.

The suggestions is to either change parameters of Canonical Reference Locator field to accommodate format “Author, Text, Text # or Section” or add an optional field “Author” above “Canonical Reference Locator”. Keep in mind we don't want "Parse Sections" to get out of hand.

This raises the issue of the distinction between the author of the gloss and author of the text being glossed. Sometimes we have neither information; sometimes we have both; sometimes we have one.