Closed thehabes closed 3 years ago
Obj to delete:
delete approved? true
We had a previous id in the object but could not find it in the store
Here is the error response json object to return with status 500
{"code":500,"message":"We could not update the history tree correctly. The delete failed."}
Fails to delete b/c We had a previous id in the history object but could not find it in the store. The previous for that object is
, which is not in the annotationStore
db on img-01. It is in annotationStoreDev
. So this logic is a bit wonky for "imported" objects. Here is the code that needs patched:
//The object being deleted had a previous. That previous object next[] must be updated with the deleted object's next[].
System.out.println("The object being deleted had a previous. That previous object next[] must be updated with the deleted object's next[]");
BasicDBObject query2 = new BasicDBObject();
BasicDBObject objToUpdate2;
BasicDBObject objWithUpdate2;
query2.append("@id", previous_id);
objToUpdate2 = (BasicDBObject) mongoDBService.findOneByExample(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, query2);
if(null != objToUpdate2){
JSONObject fixHistory2 = JSONObject.fromObject(objToUpdate2);
JSONArray origNextArray = fixHistory2.getJSONObject("__rerum").getJSONObject("history").getJSONArray("next");
JSONArray newNextArray = new JSONArray();
//JSONArray does not have splice, but we can code our own. This will splice out obj["@id"].
for (int i=0; i<origNextArray.size(); i++){
if (!origNextArray.getString(i).equals(obj.getString("@id"))){
//So long as the value is not the deleted id, add it to the newNextArray (this is the splice).
newNextArray.addAll(next_ids); //Adds next array of deleted object to the end of this array in order.
fixHistory2.getJSONObject("__rerum").getJSONObject("history").element("next", newNextArray); //Rewrite the next[] array to fix the history
Object forMongo2 = JSON.parse(fixHistory2.toString()); //JSONObject cannot be converted to BasicDBObject
objWithUpdate2 = (BasicDBObject)forMongo2;
mongoDBService.update(Constant.COLLECTION_ANNOTATION, objToUpdate2, objWithUpdate2);
//Yikes this is an error. We had a previous id in the object but could not find it in the store.
System.out.println("We had a previous id in the object but could not find it in the store");
success = false;
We noticed this in the Glossing Matthew project. To reproduce, go to and attempt to
Drop from Collection
for this entry. There is an error in RERUM's updateHistoryTree() function. We believe this has something to do with the "update that is a fork", where a prime may in fact have a previous.