CenterForTheBuiltEnvironment / pythermalcomfort

Package to calculate several thermal comfort indices (e.g. PMV, PPD, SET, adaptive) and convert physical variables.
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Implement Havenith (2001) two-node model #69

Open FedericoTartarini opened 9 months ago

FedericoTartarini commented 9 months ago

Implement the two-node model described in this paper:

@article{havenith_individualized_2001, title = {Individualized model of human thermoregulation for the simulation of heat stress response}, volume = {90}, issn = {8750-7587}, url = {}, doi = {10.1152/jappl.2001.90.5.1943}, number = {5}, urldate = {2023-09-05}, journal = {Journal of Applied Physiology}, author = {Havenith, George}, month = may, year = {2001}, keywords = {body fat, body temperature, exercise, fitness, heat strain}, pages = {1943--1954}, }