Centrado / z-blockly-tracker

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Blynk #283

Closed roshan1centrado closed 1 year ago

roshan1centrado commented 1 year ago


Pls change the names to this and the input section must be multiple inputs like send to thingspeak block


ssid will be changed in the ssid password will be changed in password Key will be change in apiKey

Input will be changed in the highlighted region

if there is 2 inputs : getStr +="&field1="; getStr += ""; getStr +="&field2="; getStr += "";

Code :

#include <WiFi.h>

String apiKey = "JUIGAGECAIV1X1R8";  //Change this key to your "Write API key"

const char* ssid ="Redmi";
const char* password ="heydoodeh";

void setup() {
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  Serial1.begin(115200);   // Arduino to ESP01 Communication
  connectWiFi();           // To connect to Wifi

void loop() { 
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

  Serial1.println("AT+CIPMUX=0\r\n");      // To Set MUX = 0
  delay(2000);                             // Wait for 2 sec

  // TCP connection 
  String cmd = "AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\"";   // TCP connection with https://thingspeak.com server
  cmd += "";                // IP addr of api.thingspeak.com
  cmd += "\",80\r\n\r\n";                  // Port No. = 80

  Serial1.println(cmd);                    // Display above Command on PC
  Serial.println(cmd);                     // Send above command to Rx1, Tx1

  delay(10000);                            // Wait for 20 Sec

  if(Serial1.find("ERROR"))                // If returns error in TCP connection
    Serial.println("AT+CIPSTART error");   // Display error msg to PC

  // prepare GET string 
 String getStr = "GET /update?api_key=";   
  getStr += apiKey;
  getStr +="&field1=";
  getStr += "";                          // The Value will come here
  getStr += "\r\n\r\n";

  Serial.println(getStr);                 // Display GET String on PC

  cmd = "AT+CIPSEND=";                    // send data length 
  cmd += String(getStr.length());

  Serial.println(cmd);                   // Display Data length on PC
  Serial1.println(cmd);                  // Send Data length command to Tx1, Rx1

  delay(10000);                         // wait for 20sec

  if(Serial1.find(">"))                    // If prompt opens //verify connection with cloud
    Serial.println("connected to Cloud");  // Display confirmation msg to PC
    Serial1.print(getStr);                 // Send GET String to Rx1, Tx1
    Serial1.println("AT+CIPCLOSE\r\n");    // Send Close Connection command to Rx1, Tx1
    Serial.println("AT+CIPCLOSE");         // Display Connection closed command on PC



boolean connectWiFi() {               // Connect to Wifi Function
  Serial1.println("AT+CWMODE=1\r\n"); // Setting Mode = 1 
  delay(100);                         // wait for 100 mSec

  String cmd = "AT+CWJAP=\"";         // Connect to WiFi
  cmd += ssid;                   // ssid_name
  cmd += "\",\"";
  cmd += password;                // password
  cmd += "\"\r\n";              

  Serial.println(cmd);                // Display Connect Wifi Command on PC
  Serial1.println(cmd);               // send Connect WiFi command to Rx1, Tx1 

  delay(10000);                       // wait for 10 sec

  Serial1.println("AT+CWJAP?");       // Verify Connected WiFi

    Serial.println("OK, Connected to WiFi.");         // Display Confirmation msg on PC
    return true;
    Serial.println("Can not connect to the WiFi.");   // Display Error msg on PC
    return false;