Central-Park-Archives / Map

The maps
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Collect reference maps #1

Open planemad opened 4 years ago

planemad commented 4 years ago

Lets collect all existing map and aerial imagery for the region of interest here.

Some links shared by @susannaanas :

Made a short gif from some of the available ortho imagery on https://kartta.hel.fi/


susannaanas commented 4 years ago

I found original drawings for the plans of the Central Park in the City Archives. I am afraid the area does not extend as fas as Maunula in the drawings. I am preparing an upload to Wikimedia Commons with them.

Näyttökuva 2020-6-29 kello 10 15 37
susannaanas commented 4 years ago

I found an article in the architects' magazine Arkitekten that describes the Central Park project. (1911, In Swedish) https://digi.kansalliskirjasto.fi/aikakausi/binding/1104839?page=20

Näyttökuva 2020-6-29 kello 10 08 22
susannaanas commented 4 years ago

Some historical map layers from kartta.hel.fi screenshot-kartta hel fi-2020 06