CentralTechnology / lms-agent

License Monitoring System
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PrincipalOperationException: While trying to resolve a cross-store reference, the SID of the target principal could not be res... #94

Closed tjackadams closed 6 years ago

tjackadams commented 6 years ago


PrincipalOperationException: While trying to resolve a cross-store reference, the SID of the target principal could not be resolved.  The error code is 1332.
  File "C:\projects\lms-agent\src\Core\Users\Managers\ActiveDirectoryManager.cs", line 269, in GetGroupMembers
    LMS.Users.Dto.LicenseGroupUsersDto GetGroupMembers(Hangfire.Server.PerformContext, System.Guid)
  File "C:\projects\lms-agent\src\Core\Users\UserWorkerManager.cs", line 96, in ProcessUserGroups
    Void ProcessUserGroups(Hangfire.Server.PerformContext)
  File "C:\projects\lms-agent\src\Core\Users\UserWorkerManager.cs", line 157, in Start { <lambda> }
    Void <Start>b__0()
  File "C:\projects\lms-agent\src\Core\Common\Managers\WorkerManagerBase.cs", line 35, in Execute
    Void Execute(Hangfire.Server.PerformContext, System.Action)
(3 additional frame(s) were not displayed)

While trying to resolve a cross-store reference, the SID of the target principal could not be resolved.  The error code is 1332.