CentraleNantesROV / bluerov2

BlueROV2 for ROS2 + ignition
Apache License 2.0
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line: gz_js_topic = GazeboBridge.model_prefix(ns) + '/joint_state' list index out of control. #4

Open Liam594c opened 1 month ago

Liam594c commented 1 month ago

Hi. Thanks for your kindly share a framework of the ROV control. When I successfully built all the packages and run upload_bluerov2_launch.py, an error raised: list index out of control. I've check the code inside the script and found that the error seems raised from here: gz_js_topic = GazeboBridge.model_prefix(ns) + '/joint_state' I am not really familiar with the simple_launch package and wondering if you could provide me some clue on how to fix this problem.

ps: I am using ros-humble and its default combination of gazebo simulation(I believe it should be fortress).

Thank you very much!

oKermorgant commented 1 month ago


upload_launch is to be called when a simulation is already running.

I have tried to install Ignition Fortress (currently use Garden or Harmonic) and cannot reproduce this error. You should at least get an explicit error message.

Can you try: