Centre-IRM-INT / GT-MVPA-nilearn

GT MVPA nilearn from Marseille
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Significant below chance values ! #19

Open CarolineLndl opened 3 years ago

CarolineLndl commented 3 years ago

Hello Marseille-MVPA community  I have something wrong with my results but cannot found where it come from. Maybe I can found some help here. We run a whole brain searchlight MVPA analyse (the script is upload on this github, AudioTact_Project) on brain fMRI dataset. The experimental protocol included 3 Modalities (Haptic, Audio and AudioHaptic) and 2 textures (Rough Smooth). We run different leave2runs out analyses at individual level then [accuracy maps – 0.5] were entered in SnPM (5000 permutations, 0.05 FWE-cluster corrected) for group level analyses.

Have you ever had these kinds of results? Do you have any idea what I could test to better understand what is going on? Maybe plot some of the outputs of the decoding, but I don't know which ones can help me?

Merci pour votre aide ! Caroline

CarolineLndl commented 2 years ago

I have posted the issue if want to follow the update : https://neurostars.org/t/significant-below-chance-decoding-searchlight-cross-validation/19958/5

JeanLucAnton commented 2 years ago

In relation to this problem in the cross-modal decoding and as we discussed it by email, I was thinking :