CentroEPiaggio / kuka-lwr

Software related to the KUKA LWR 4+: for real and for simulation.
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Create lwr_kinematics package #1

Closed carlosjoserg closed 9 years ago

carlosjoserg commented 9 years ago

In all controllers, the direct/inverse kinematics is computed. Create a package that implements that only once and use ti within the controllers.

manuelbonilla commented 9 years ago

Discussing with @enricocorvaglia, this controllers developed to be used not just in kuka robot but if many. @carlosjoserg The inverse/direct kinematics you are talking about are not the same as KDL functions? JntToCart, JointToJac ect. Or how do you suggest to organize them?

carlosjoserg commented 9 years ago

Good point, and I agree with the generality, in fact, it is quite general so far. After we test it well on the kuka and perhaps another robot, we should move the lwr_controllers to ros_controllers avoiding the lwr_ (we fork and edit).

The thing is, I see code that is repeated regarding URDF parsing, calls to IK solvers etc., then I thought why not to create either another package or a utils/robot_model.h/utils/robot_model.cpp class. I would prefer a package, in the same line as this one. The code is already there, but it requires organize, and update how the controllers call the kinematic/static/dynamic functions. That way, we also benefit from other packages requiring this functions without installing the controllers.

What do you think?

manuelbonilla commented 9 years ago

ok, I got it. I'll take a look a this and see how we can generate something similar.

marcoesposito1988 commented 9 years ago

Maybe instead of a package we could evaluate subclassing controller_interface::Controller and put the boilerplate in the constructor, if this is generic for any robot which consists of a single kinematic chain.

carlosjoserg commented 9 years ago

That sounds good, we could have a family of Cartesian controllers that include this in a common constructor.

The idea of having a separate package is that kinematic/static/dynamic properties can be used outside the scope of the controllers.

carlosjoserg commented 9 years ago

This was tackled by the KinematicChainControllerBase class in b5167fea67aa5f7347f2405ba3f18f6979a0802c