CentroEPiaggio / kuka-lwr

Software related to the KUKA LWR 4+: for real and for simulation.
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Issue with commanding a real LWR4+ robot #106

Closed RRRRR214 closed 10 months ago

RRRRR214 commented 10 months ago


I am trying to run the [kuka-lwr] package on VM, with ROS indigo, with a real LWR4+ robot. The setup of all environments, configuration, and FRI communication were done. When I ran "roslaunch single_lwr_launch single_lwr.launch use_lwr_sim:=false lwr_powered:=true load_moveit:=true", and "roslaunch single_lwr_moveit move_group.launch allow_trajectory_execution:=true fake_execution:=false info:=true debug:=false" in the terminal, the Rviz is able to run properly, and able to monitor the current joint position. The problem I have is that I got stuck at "WAIT FOR ($FriState ==#CMD)" when running ros_control.src in KCP, and KCP shows the FRI comm quality frequently jumps from unacceptable to bad to ok. I am not able to control the robot though the Rviz interface.


RRRRR214 commented 10 months ago

Update: I've discovered that the issue was related to the performance of my computer. As a result, I switched to a more powerful laptop running VMware, which enabled me to successfully control the robot.