CentroEPiaggio / kuka-lwr

Software related to the KUKA LWR 4+: for real and for simulation.
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Support for clamping to a max joint velocity in joint_impedance_controller #85

Open marcoesposito1988 opened 7 years ago

marcoesposito1988 commented 7 years ago

While trying out the new joint_impedance_controller, I noticed that sometimes I get an FRI error because of "excessive commanded joint speed" (in T1).

I think it could be useful to pass a maximum desired joint speed to the controller, to which to clamp the command. This could also be desirable for safety purposes.

Would you be interested in a PR?

carlosjoserg commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately I don't have access to the hardware right now and I can't test it, but sounds good in general, so it might be good to have it at the driver level lwr_hw, what do you think?

marcoesposito1988 commented 7 years ago

At that level? Interesting. Yes, could be practical.

I will start playing with it.