CentroEPiaggio / pacman-DR53

This repository contains the necessary tools to run the demo contemplated in DR 5.3 of the PaCMan Project.
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Network and PC requirements #2

Closed carlosjoserg closed 9 years ago

carlosjoserg commented 9 years ago

For the last sprint week and to run the demo, 2 PCs with dual network cards are required.

So, these 2 PCs can be online and connected to the robot network simultaneously. This is crucial for last-minutes adjustments and everyone being in sync with the main repository.

The devices are:

  1. pacman0: this is the one I regularly use, so all required software is already there up-to-date
  2. pacman1: There is another PC in the lab, with a keyboard on top labeled as WALKMAN that used to be assigned to Corrado Pavan. I asked around, and nobody is using it, and it has exactly the same specs as pacman0. It needs to be cleaned and fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS / ROS Indigo / Gazebo 4 (@Tabjones this PC is not to be used by anyone until the demo, therefore, please, leave the classical GNOME desktop as default, it makes setting network profiles easier).

Information regarding the network configuration and passwords is found here.

The 3rd PC is the one associated with the head.

MirkoFerrati commented 9 years ago

@alessandrosettimi @corradopav guys can you confirm that the WALKMAN computer in Pisa is free to be used by pacman? I recall Alessandro saying that Corrado will be using that pc for walkman simulation from now on when he's in Pisa.

alessandrosettimi commented 9 years ago

@carlosjoserg that pc is for walkman, is the most performing one we have in pisa to simulate the walk-man in gazebo. @corradopav uses it also for developing. The reason why nobody used it for a while is because we were at IIT.

carlosjoserg commented 9 years ago

Ok, thanks for the clarification and my apologies.

@Tabjones we need to find something similar, for instance, the PC at the phase space is a good candidate, if I remember well it has two network cards as well, but it is also advisable to have that good PC there as well. There is also an old PC next to where you sit that used to belong to Saber I believe, can you check on that?

@MarcoGabiccini can we buy a new one in case we don't find anything within the pacman resources?

Tabjones commented 9 years ago

Ok, also pacman0 has only one network card, i think we could buy a new PCI network card and install it.

carlosjoserg commented 9 years ago

@Tabjones pacman0 is my PC, and it does have 2 network cards, so nevermind that one.

I understand you are talking about the one in the phase space only having one card. In that case, definitely, I would go for a new PC as suggested above (if possible) instead of buying a PCI network card.

hamalMarino commented 9 years ago

@MirkoFerrati what about Emmanuel's PC?

Tabjones commented 9 years ago

@carlosjoserg wait a sec if pacman0 is your pc, then what is mine ? the one next to Manuel, i thought that one was pacman0 and that one has only one network card. The phase space pc has 2 network cards.

MirkoFerrati commented 9 years ago

@hamalMarino Emmanuel's PC is free to use, but it has only one network adapter!

carlosjoserg commented 9 years ago

Ok then. @Tabjones let's buy a new one for pacman1.

Be sure to match the specs of my PC (pacman0) (or phase space PC, I think is the same) or higher, you decide. Admin dept. should have the specs. since several PCs has been bought like these.

After the demo, the new one could replace the "kuka PC", for instance, so Manuel can have the current one dedicated for him, you can have the "pacman PC" dedicated to you, the phase space keeps its PC, and peace for all.

Tabjones commented 9 years ago

I looked around a bit, probably the best solution would be to let Dell assemble a PC for us. This way we can select exactly what we want inside the PC and they assemble it for us. They also check if the various hardware selected are compatible with each other.

The other alternative would be to buy each hardware separately and then assemble the pc at CentroPiaggio, although this would be surely cheaper it will take me at least an afternoon to assemble it and a lot of effort to chose the right hardware (check motherboard chipset, processor, certified RAM, disks, etc..)

So i would go for the first alternative. I'll coordinate with @MarcoGabiccini for the various burocratics.

carlosjoserg commented 9 years ago

I thought the order was already placed at this point, ain't repeating the order from previous acquired PCs easier?

Tabjones commented 9 years ago

@carlosjoserg Yes it would, but i thought we wanted a better one, my bad. If you want to replicate the phase space pc or yours tell me.

carlosjoserg commented 9 years ago

Just thought it was easier to repeat the order, but my bad, this is entirely up to you. If you see it clearer, go for it (in that case, I would suggest the first alternative as well, let Dell assemble it for you).

Tabjones commented 9 years ago

Pc has arrived and it is already configured. I think i can close this issue