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Implement Polling of Key Site Pages & Features #25

Open c21hornak opened 7 years ago

c21hornak commented 7 years ago

Attempt to Setup Polling for: • Homepage • Search • Checkout •

Send Brief SMS-Style Error Notifications to: • 2013819365@att.txt.net • 6035475406@vtext.com •

Possible Services We Can Use:https://uptimerobot.comhttps://www.site24x7.com

c21hornak commented 7 years ago

@juanmriosv This is a rough draft but once we find out what's possible we can develop a more detailed plan for how notify people.

c21hornak commented 6 years ago

From: Uptime Robot info@uptimerobot.com Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 12:24 PM To: Michael Hornak mhornak@c21stores.com Subject: Uptime Robot - Account Activation


Thanks for registering Uptime Robot, the free website monitoring service.

In order to start monitoring your websites, please activate your account by clicking here.

Cheers From Uptime Robot,

http://www.uptimerobot.com/ http://twitter.com/uptimerobot

c21hornak commented 6 years ago

From: support=site24x7.com@mailer.zconfirmation.com on behalf of "support@site24x7.com" support@site24x7.com Reply-To: "support@site24x7.com" support@site24x7.com Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 2:25 PM To: Michael Hornak mhornak@c21stores.com Subject: Site24x7 Account Confirmation

Site24x7 Hello mhornak,

Thanks for choosing Site24x7. You have made a wise decision trusting your monitoring needs on us.

Please verify your email address to confirm your account registration within 7 days of receiving this message.


Account Details

User Email: mhornak@c21stores.com Trial Period: 30 days

Remember to whitelist noreply@site24x7.com so that you can start receiving alert emails and website performance reports from us. Also check out some of the other monitoring packs we offer.

Happy Monitoring! Site24x7 Team Email:support@site24x7.com Telephone: +1 408 352 9117 Visit:blogs.site24x7.com We are Social:Twitter | Facebook