Century21Stores / SPECIAL

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Streamline Guest Password Resets with Google Form & Sheet #29

Closed c21hornak closed 7 years ago

c21hornak commented 7 years ago

Related to issues guests are having logging in and/or changing their passwords, Juan created a Google Form that feeds into a Google Sheet and implemented a new process for Guest Service, which is simply to fill in the Google Form. Previously all guest password reset requests were sent to Juan and Michael in an unstandardized way and it became difficult to keep track of whether all emails got responded to in a timely manner. As part of this new process, Juan trained Lydia how to address the password reset requests. The new process went into effect with Guest Service on 2/21/17.

Guest Service uses this form now to submit requests to Juan/Lydia to attempt to issue temporary passwords for guests. If the attempt is successful, an email is automatically sent to the same person in Guest Service who submitted the request, so they can notify the guest of their new temporary password.

If the attempt is unsuccessful due to one of the known issues for which we already have WebLinc tickets open, an email is automatically sent to the same person in Guest Service who submitted the request, notifying them of which issue is affecting the guest's account and that we have a WebLinc ticket open for the issue. The Google Sheet also keeps a record of which account will be resolved by which WebLinc ticket, so once WebLinc pushes their fix to PROD we can use the Google Sheet to confirm the fix.

c21hornak commented 7 years ago

Juan completed this on 2/21/17. Closing.

c21hornak commented 7 years ago

Removed links.