CenturyLinkCloud / clc-java-sdk

Apache License 2.0
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Add to Maven Central or JCenter #127

Closed cholick closed 9 years ago

cholick commented 9 years ago

Please make library available in Maven Central or JCenter

idrabenia commented 9 years ago

This is ticket in sonatype JIRA to provide access for us to it's open repositories - https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/OSSRH-16481

idrabenia commented 9 years ago

@pslam @Shkutko

  1. It would be great to implement Gradle task that allow to publish our artifacts to maven central
  2. Could you publish current version of Java SDK to specified repo
Name Value
Group ID com.centurylink.cloud
Artifact ID clc-java-sdk
Version 1.0.0
idrabenia commented 9 years ago

This is URL to maven central nexus - https://oss.sonatype.org Credentials that you provide when signed up to Sonatype JIRA must be applied for Nexus also.

idrabenia commented 9 years ago

Hi @jruckle @cholick @nstetich , Done. http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Ccenturylink