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changing the header of the java code files to remove centurylink #862

Closed ab59451 closed 3 years ago

ab59451 commented 3 years ago

The header of the java files which starts like below : /*

should be removed.

ab59451 commented 3 years ago

This is a utility in the MDW codebase itself. Here's what you need to run this locally, it should remove all header comments.

  1. Edit mdw-common/src/com/centurylink/mdw/util/CodeUtil.java to set static variable HEADER_COMMENT = "".
  2. Build project.
  3. Right-click on CodeUtil.java in Project view and select Run CodeUtil.main().
  4. You will see a usage error in run output.
  5. Add program args from the menu: Run > Edit Configuration > Application > CodeUtil. Set Program Arguments to "h /Users/donald/workspaces/mdw".
  6. Run again via the run configuration you've just edited