Cerbrus / FactorioMods-TogglePeacefulMode

Factorio mod: Toggle Peaceful Mode
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Multiplayer - Icon not updated #9

Open vavavr00m opened 1 year ago

vavavr00m commented 1 year ago

If there are multiple admins, and one toggles it, the icon doesn't update, thus, doesn't reflect the true state of things with the biters.

Cerbrus commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your report!

Yea, there's nothing in the mod that handles that.

I also have no idea how to fix it, and haven't played factorio in, well, years, so I can't promise I'll get to this any time soon...

vavavr00m commented 1 year ago

No problem. Just to let you know in case you get to it, I went to a hive and disabled peace but the newly spawned biters didn't attack at all no matter how many times I toggled it on/off.

Cerbrus commented 1 year ago

Hm, then it might even just not work in MP?

vavavr00m commented 1 year ago

I also saved and loaded it in single player, same thing happened. Does that make a difference?