CerisWhite / Lantern

A Palworld save-splitting tool to make modifications way easier
10 stars 1 forks source link

Linux executable missing JSONStream #6

Open Makeshift opened 5 months ago

Makeshift commented 5 months ago

Upon running the released Linux executable (v1.5 at the time of writing, no arguments), I get a Error: Cannot find module 'JSONStream'.

After installing JSONStream in the same dir with npm install JSONStream, it works as expected.

CerisWhite commented 5 months ago

You're not using the latest v1.5 if it's throwing any error for PullConverter.js. v1.5(.7) in the releases tab has the converter stored in the SaveTool.json file in the Data folder. What you're using is the script version, or a much older version than what's in the release, rather than the actual 1.5.7 release.

The .toString() error is because the command process converts your argument to an uppercase string, which obviously requires you to actually pass an argument.

Yes, the source version is a bit broken because I modified the way "PullConverter" works (because it no longer downloads anything per 1.5.7) and haven't properly mirrored the changes in this repository. I will properly update this repo with the source of v1.5.7 when the reason I didn't release the code in the first place has passed, so please bear with me until then.

To reiterate: Please download the latest Lantern_v1.5.7_Linux.zip file from the v1.5 releases page and attempt to run that. If it still throws errors about the missing module, let me know and I will investigate it.

Makeshift commented 5 months ago

Ah, I think I may have cloned the project after my initial attempt didn't work, and then when I was writing up I had my order mixed up. I assumed that the source would have the latest version, my bad.

With a fresh download, 1.5.7 is missing JSONStream:

22:54:51 [connor@einstein:/tmp/tmp.aJ97VxIagc] $ wget https://github.com/CerisWhite/Lantern/releases/download/v1.5/Lantern_v1.5.7_Linux.zip
--2024-02-05 22:54:59--  https://github.com/CerisWhite/Lantern/releases/download/v1.5/Lantern_v1.5.7_Linux.zip
Resolving github.com (github.com)...
2024-02-05 22:55:00 (39.8 MB/s) - ‘Lantern_v1.5.7_Linux.zip’ saved [16126659/16126659]

22:55:00 [connor@einstein:/tmp/tmp.aJ97VxIagc] $ unzip Lantern_v1.5.7_Linux.zip
Archive:  Lantern_v1.5.7_Linux.zip
   creating: Data/
  inflating: Data/ItemList.json
  inflating: Data/LevelList.json
  inflating: Data/PalList.json
   creating: Data/palworld-save-tools/
  inflating: Data/palworld-save-tools/convert.py
   creating: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/
  inflating: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/archive.py
  inflating: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/gvas.py
  inflating: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/noindent.py
  inflating: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/palsav.py
  inflating: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/paltypes.py
  inflating: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/rawdata.py
 extracting: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/__init__.py
   creating: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/__pycache__/
  inflating: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/__pycache__/archive.cpython-310.pyc
  inflating: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/__pycache__/gvas.cpython-310.pyc
  inflating: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/__pycache__/noindent.cpython-310.pyc
  inflating: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/__pycache__/palsav.cpython-310.pyc
  inflating: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/__pycache__/paltypes.cpython-310.pyc
  inflating: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/__pycache__/rawdata.cpython-310.pyc
  inflating: Data/palworld-save-tools/lib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc
  inflating: Data/palworld-save-tools/LICENSE
  inflating: Data/SaveTool.json
  inflating: Data/SkillList.json
  inflating: Lantern
22:55:06 [connor@einstein:/tmp/tmp.aJ97VxIagc] $ ls
Data/  Lantern  Lantern_v1.5.7_Linux.zip
22:55:19 [connor@einstein:/tmp/tmp.aJ97VxIagc] $ chmod +x Lantern
22:55:22 [connor@einstein:/tmp/tmp.aJ97VxIagc] $ ./Lantern
  throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'JSONStream'
Require stack:
- /tmp/tmp.aJ97VxIagc/Lantern.js
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:980:15)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:862:27)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1042:19)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:77:18)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/tmp/tmp.aJ97VxIagc/Lantern.js:1:3224)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1156:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1176:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1000:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:899:14)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:74:12) {
  requireStack: [ '/tmp/tmp.aJ97VxIagc/Lantern.js' ]

Installing it (in the same dir as the binary) does make it work, though:

22:57:18 [connor@einstein:/tmp/tmp.aJ97VxIagc] $ npm install JSONStream

added 3 packages in 1s

23:01:27 [connor@einstein:/tmp/tmp.aJ97VxIagc] 13s $ ./Lantern ExportPals Level.sav
UESave file. Converting to JSON...
Converted Level.sav to JSON.
Pal data exported!

Nice! I've amended my original issue