Cerlancism / chatgpt-subtitle-translator

Efficient translation tool based on ChatGPT API
MIT License
199 stars 16 forks source link

`Cooldown`时间过长 #29

Closed BrettDean closed 4 months ago

BrettDean commented 4 months ago

cli运行的,网页我跑不起来,,用项目中的示例网页的话,也不行,因为我api的机子在国内,没有ssl image 国外鸡调用国内API速度又不行,,


# root @ mx in /home/chatgpt-subtitle-translator on git:main x [16:06:43] 
$ cli/translator.mjs --no-use-moderator -i 1.srt --stream --to zh-cn --no-prefix-number --model glm-4       
[CLI] Assume SRT file 1.srt
(node:1560338) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
[Translator] System Instruction: Translate to zh-cn
[Translator] Lines count mismatch 100 98
[Translator] batch [
  'What is all of this?!',
  "Hey, what's this?",
  '<i>The massive object,</i>',
  '<i>which has</i> \\N <i>been identified as a Digi-Egg,</i>',
  '<i>an object of Digimon origin,</i> \\N <i>even now continues to hover</i>',
  '<i>above Tokyo Tower, where it</i> \\N <i>first appeared a week ago.</i>',
  "<i>The message that it's apparently</i> \\N <i>broadcasting has been seen</i>",
  '<i>by countless numbers</i> \\N <i>of people all around the world,</i>',
  '<i>but so far, no one is completely</i> \\N <i>certain of just what it means,</i>',
  '<i>as the government</i> \\N <i>remains on heightened alert...</i>',
  "Oh, look! It's Tai!",
  "A whole week's passed,",
  "and that \\N thing's still floating up there.",
  "It's been really \\N overwhelming for Izzy.",
  'He keeps getting called \\N into all these interviews',
  'and brainstorming sessions.',
  'I can never get \\N a hold of him anymore.',
  'I saw him on \\N another television show',
  'just before this one.',
  "Well, he is the world's \\N foremost expert on Digimon.",
  'Judging by the look of things,',
  'I doubt heeven has time \\N to sleep.',
  '-Yeah, right. \\N Also!',
  'When I tried calling Tai \\N ge got all upset with me',
  "and told me that he's way \\N too busy for small talk.",
  "What? That's not like \\N him.",
  "I don't know. \\N Humans are always changing.",
  "-That's what I always say. \\N -What do we think?",
  'Any theories as to why \\N that Digi-Egg appeared?',
  "If Izzy hasn't been \\N able to figure it out,",
  "then I doubt we'll be able to.",
  "You know what'll happen?",
  "The longer it's up there, \\N the less attention it'll get.",
  'People will just get used to it.',
  'After all...',
  'Forget about that.',
  "It's time for a bowl \\N of tasty goodness.",
  'Satisfaction guaranteed.',
  'Let the eating begin.',
  'It smells yummy!',
  "Looks delicious, doesn't it, \\N Ken?",
  'You did a surprisingly good job.',
  "It seems like you've \\N really upped your game.",
  "-What's that mean? \\N <i>-Breaking news...</i>",
  "<i>A man has been spotted climbing</i> \\N <i>up Tokyo Tower's antenna.</i>",
  'How dangerous.',
  "He has no wings. \\N If he falls, he's done for.",
  '-Is this some kind of stunt? \\N -You know what they say.',
  'Turn up the heat \\N and watch the weirdos come out.',
  'Wait. They say that?',
  "You only think it's hot \\N because you're making ramen.",
  "Nothing's better \\N than a hot kitchen.",
  "Hey, wait a sec. \\N Look what's in his hand.",
  'A Digivice?',
  'Then that means...',
  "That guy's a DigiDestined?",
  'Why would you show up \\N again now?',
  'After everything, why now?',
  "You're a...Digimon?",
  'That was close.',
  '-Are you all right? \\N -Were you hurt when you fell?',
  "You didn't get scraped up, \\N did you?",
  'If it hurts anywhere, \\N just tell us.',
  "Yeah. Don't be a hero.",
  "I think it's best you go \\N to the hospital.",
  "Well, that's a lot of Digimon \\N and their partners.",
  'Hey, just a tip.',
  'When someone saves your life,',
  'usually the first \\N thing you do is say thanks.',
  "I don't recall asking anyone \\N to do anything.",
  "That's really \\N how you're gonna play it?",
  'You know, we sacrifice perfectly \\N good ramen to rescue you.',
  "If that's how you're gonna be, \\N you can pay for it.",
  '- Just give it a rest, Davis. \\N - Sorry, Yolei!',
  'So, what were you doing \\N up there?',
  'Do you have some connection \\N to that Digi-Egg?',
  'It has nothing \\N to do with any of you.',
  "Well, that's not really true, \\N though.",
  "You're a DigiDestined too, \\N aren't you?",
  "Destined. \\N That's one way of putting it.",
  "That's a Digivice in your hand. \\N So where's your Digimon?",
  "I don't have a Digimon. Okay?",
  'Huh? But then...',
  'If you must know,',
  "I don't have a Digimon.",
  "I don't, because I killed \\N the Digimon who was my partner.",
  'Hey, listen, just who are you?',
  'Who am I?',
  'I guess I was the first.',
  'The first person to form \\N a partnership with the Digimon.',
  'Huh? Seriously? Is that true?',
  "You're the first DigiDestined?",
  'So long.',
  'Thanks for saving me.'
[Translator] transformed [
  '<i>一个来自数码宝贝的物体,</i> \\N <i>即使现在仍然在东京塔上空盘旋,</i>',
  '<i>它显然发出的信息已经被</i> \\N <i>全世界无数的人看到,</i>',
  '<i>但到目前为止,没有人完全</i> \\N <i>确定它的确切含义,</i>',
  '<i>有人看到一名男子</i> \\N <i>正在攀爬东京塔的天线。</i>',
[Translator] BatchSize decrease 100 -> 10 SizeThreshold 10
[Translator] Cost computation not supported yet for glm-4
[Cooldown] ChatGPTAPI 21715 ms
1 "Hey!" -> "嘿!"
2 "What is all of this?!" -> "这都是些什么?!"
3 "Hey, what's this?" -> "喂,这是什么?"
4 "Hmm?" -> "嗯?"
5 "Ukkomon!" -> "乌克蒙!"
6 "<i>The massive object,</i>" -> "<i>这个巨大的物体,</i>"
7 "<i>which has</i>
<i>been identified as a Digi-Egg,</i>" -> "<i>已经被确认为一个数码蛋,</i>"
8 "<i>an object of Digimon origin,</i>
<i>even now continues to hover</i>" -> "<i>一个来自数码宝贝的物体,</i> \N <i>即便现在仍然在</i>"
9 "<i>above Tokyo Tower, where it</i>
<i>first appeared a week ago.</i>" -> "<i>东京塔上空盘旋,</i> \N <i>它在一周前首次出现在那里。</i>"
10 "<i>The message that it's apparently</i>
<i>broadcasting has been seen</i>" -> "<i>它显然播报的信息已经</i> \N <i>被观测到</i>"
[Translator] Cost computation not supported yet for glm-4
[Cooldown] ChatGPTAPI 55215 ms
[Translator] Lines count mismatch 10 11
[Translator] batch [
  '<i>by countless numbers</i> \\N <i>of people all around the world,</i>',
  '<i>but so far, no one is completely</i> \\N <i>certain of just what it means,</i>',
  '<i>as the government</i> \\N <i>remains on heightened alert...</i>',
  "Oh, look! It's Tai!",
  "A whole week's passed,",
  "and that \\N thing's still floating up there.",
  "It's been really \\N overwhelming for Izzy.",
  'He keeps getting called \\N into all these interviews',
  'and brainstorming sessions.',
  'I can never get \\N a hold of him anymore.'
[Translator] transformed [
  '<i>被全球无数的人</i> \\N <i>观测到,</i>',
  '<i>但到目前为止,没有人能完全</i> \\N <i>确定它究竟意味着什么,</i>',
  '<i>因为政府</i> \\N <i>仍然保持高度警惕...</i>',
[Translator] Single line mode
[Cooldown] ChatGPTAPI 54640 ms
11 "<i>by countless numbers</i>
<i>of people all around the world,</i>" -> "<i>被全球无数的人</i> \N <i>观测到了。</i>"
[Cooldown] ChatGPTAPI 58357 ms
12 "<i>but so far, no one is completely</i>
<i>certain of just what it means,</i>" -> "<i>但到目前为止,没有人完全</i> \N <i>确定它究竟意味着什么。</i>"
[Cooldown] ChatGPTAPI 58357 ms
13 "<i>as the government</i>
<i>remains on heightened alert...</i>" -> "<i>由于政府</i> \N <i>仍保持高度警惕……</i>"
[Cooldown] ChatGPTAPI 58162 ms
14 "Oh, look! It's Tai!" -> "哦,看!是泰!Tai!"
[Cooldown] ChatGPTAPI 58775 ms

可能是一直没对上,最后变成Single line mode

[Cooldown] ChatGPTAPI 58775 ms 每条要等一分钟属实比较长,希望能短一点,


Cerlancism commented 4 months ago

你的端口有 RPM 限制吗? 减少 [Cooldown] 可先在 .envRPM 调高

BrettDean commented 4 months ago

你的端口有 RPM 限制吗? 减少 [Cooldown] 可先在 .envRPM 调高


牛逼!解决了 我这里限制并发是5,设置了OPENAI_API_RPM=300以后,解决了! 感谢大佬,项目牛逼