Cero Trade is a decentralized platform for trading, buying, and redeeming tokenized IRECs (renewable energy certificates). It features a marketplace where users can manage their assets, redeem certificates, and list them for sale. With real-time data from the I-TRACK API, traders can make informed decisions.
User story
As a user, I want to be able to redeem my certificates by burning my tokens, ensuring that there is no double accountability over my IRECs.
[ ] Create logic where Agent asks User Index to check if user owns valid amount of tokens in order to redeem them (enough tokens of that tokenID not in market).
[ ] Create logic where Agent triggers redemption flow, by asking Token Index to ask Token canister to burn amount of token linked to user.
[ ] Create logic where Agent asks User Index to update transactions and UserIndex asks User canister to add redemption info to user transactions structure.
[ ] Change transaction directory from map to array of transactionInfo.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] System checks if valid amount of tokens to redeem are selected. Only tokens that are NOT IN THE MARKET can be redeemed.
[ ] Agent succesfully triggers redemption logic.
[ ] Tokens are succesfully burned (amount user owns is reduced from userIrecs hashmap in Token).
[ ] User transactions are updated with redemption info.
User story As a user, I want to be able to redeem my certificates by burning my tokens, ensuring that there is no double accountability over my IRECs.
Acceptance Criteria