Cero Trade is a decentralized platform for trading, buying, and redeeming tokenized IRECs (renewable energy certificates). It features a marketplace where users can manage their assets, redeem certificates, and list them for sale. With real-time data from the I-TRACK API, traders can make informed decisions.
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to visualize important information on token offers and their sellers, such as price, company name and logo, in order to have full information on the asset I am purchasing.
[ ] Create TokenOffer structure in market canister, with amount, price and sellerInfo.
[ ] Create SellerInfo structure in market canister, with companyName and companyLogo.
[ ] Edit logic in "Put tokens on market - Market canister puts token on sale" flow, where sellerInfo is set after creating the record for a new user offering that tokenID.
Acceptance criteria
[ ] Can fetch tokenOffer
[ ] Cand fetch sellerInfo of each offer
[ ] sellerInfo is set after new record in UserxToken is created.
User Story As a user, I want to be able to visualize important information on token offers and their sellers, such as price, company name and logo, in order to have full information on the asset I am purchasing.
Acceptance criteria