CertainLach / VivePro2-Linux-Driver

SteamVR driver for VivePro2 on Linux
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Sewer rules need update after steamvr 1.26 #22

Closed MilheiroSantos closed 9 months ago

MilheiroSantos commented 11 months ago

After updating to steamvr 1.26, I'm no longer able to run the proxy driver. I suspect it's the sewer rules.

Here is the output when I try to run the install:

= Moving original driver
= Patching real driver
# Driver requirement check (before 1.25.7)
source pattern not found, file is already patched?
# Driver requirement check (before 1.26.1)
source pattern not found, file is already patched?
# Driver requirement check
source pattern not found, file is already patched?
one or more rules failed
= Overriding current driver
= Updating proxy server
= Testing proxy server
Wine found at wine

Here's part of the steamVR output with the error I'm getting:

 INFO driver_proxy::server::driver_context: get generic interface "IVRIOBuffer_002"
 INFO driver_proxy::server::driver_host: added tracked device: "LHR-A292DEE3" (TrackedDeviceClass_HMD)
 INFO lens_client: using lens server at "/home/HOME/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/lighthouse/bin/linux64/lens-server/lens-server.exe"
 INFO lens_client: trying wine64 as wine
 INFO lens_client: trying wine as wine
 INFO lens_server: hello from lens server
 INFO lens_server: dll path: "Z:\\home\\HOME\\.steam\\debian-installation\\steamapps\\common\\SteamVR\\drivers\\lighthouse\\bi
 INFO lens_server: set config
reaping pid: 21549 -- IPC:CSteamEngin
 INFO driver_proxy::driver::server_tracked_provider: disconnecting from base stations
ERROR lens_server: error=failed to read request
Error: failed to read request

Can you double check on your side?

CertainLach commented 11 months ago

Yes, I'm aware of that, will update rules this weekend

MilheiroSantos commented 11 months ago

Thank you for your work. In the meantime, I can share my workaround to this issue:

Start Steam with console support;

$ steam steam://open/console

In the steam console, download the last known working configuration with

$ download_depot 250820 250823  2218622420329124205

Copy the old driver into your steamVR installation

$ cp $STEAM_PATH/steamapps/content/app_250820/depot_250823/drivers/lighthouse/bin/linux64/driver_lighthouse.so  $STEAM_PATH/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/lighthouse/bin/linux64/driver_lighthouse.so

Re-run the install script