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Add maintain monitor SSL for upload subdomains #1

Open cliveb opened 3 years ago

cliveb commented 3 years ago


cliveb commented 3 years ago


cliveb commented 3 years ago


cliveb commented 3 years ago


cliveb commented 3 years ago


cliveb commented 3 years ago


cliveb commented 3 years ago

Hosting a Static Website on AWS with S3, CloudFront and Route53 | Web | Hosting | AWS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6qB7MEFOe0

cliveb commented 3 years ago

how to connect s3 subdomain using google domains? https://www.ceva24.dev/posts/google-domains-aws/

cliveb commented 3 years ago

Glue records (or registered hosts) are used to associate a name server with an IP address. You need one if your domain’s name server is on a subdomain.


cliveb commented 3 years ago

Testing IP address compatibility https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/ipv6-access.html

cliveb commented 3 years ago

As soon as I attached a cloudfront distribution to the certificate, the certificate was marked as in use and now Eligible for Renewal eligibility https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55320285/aws-certificate-manager-requested-a-certificate-reporting-renewal-eligibility

cliveb commented 3 years ago

ssl s3 subdomain not reachable? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42354589/https-errors-on-aws-s3-static-site-on-subdomain

cliveb commented 3 years ago

Routing traffic to a website that is hosted in an Amazon S3 bucket https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/RoutingToS3Bucket.html

cliveb commented 3 years ago

https on S3 WITHOUT cloudfront possible? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42441828/https-on-s3-without-cloudfront-possible

cliveb commented 3 years ago

Amazon S3 website endpoints do not support HTTPS or access points. If you want to use HTTPS, you can use Amazon CloudFront to serve a static website hosted on Amazon S3.
