Cesar-Hack-Gray / SocialSploit

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Update .CesarHackGray #14

Open minkhantkyaw336 opened 3 years ago

minkhantkyaw336 commented 3 years ago


import sys

class BashFileIterator: class _Delimiter(object): def init(self, character, _type=''): self.character = character

type may be 'AP' or 'AS' (Arithmetic Expansion delimited by (()) or [] respectively),

        #             'S' (Command Substitution) or 'P' (Parameter Expansion)
        # type is set only for parenthesis or curly brace and square brace that opens group
        # e.g. in this statement $((1+2)) only the 1st '(' will have type ('AP')
        self.type = _type

    def is_group_opening(self):
        return bool(self.type or self.character in ("'", '"', '`'))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, BashFileIterator._Delimiter):
            return other.character == self.character
        elif isinstance(other, basestring):
            return other == self.character
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.character

    __repr__ = __str__

def __init__(self, src):
    self.src = src

def reset(self):
    self.pos = 0
    self.insideComment = False
    self.insideHereDoc = False

    # possible characters in stack:
    # (, ) -- means Arithmetic Expansion or Command Substitution
    # {, } -- means Parameter Expansion
    # [, ] -- means Arithmetic Expansion
    # ` -- means Command Substitution
    # ' -- means single-quoted string
    # " -- means double-quoted string
    self._delimiters_stack = []
    self._indices_of_escaped_characters = set()

def getLastGroupOpeningDelimiter(self):
    return next((d for d in reversed(self._delimiters_stack) if d.is_group_opening()),

def pushDelimiter(self, character, _type=''):
    d = BashFileIterator._Delimiter(character, _type=_type)
    last_opening = self.getLastGroupOpeningDelimiter()
    last = self._delimiters_stack[-1] if len(self._delimiters_stack) > 0 else BashFileIterator._Delimiter('')

    if d in ('{', '}'):
        if _type != '':  # delimiter that opens group
        elif d == '}' and last == '{':
    elif d in ('(', ')'):
        if _type != '':  # delimiter that opens group
        elif last_opening == '(':
            if last == '(' and d == ')':
    elif d in ('[', ']'):
        if _type != '':  # delimiter that opens group
        elif last_opening == '[':
            if last == '[' and d == ']':
    elif d == "'" and last_opening != '"' or d == '"' and last_opening != "'" or d == '`':
        if d == last_opening:

def isInsideGroup(self):
    return len(self._delimiters_stack) != 0

def getPreviousCharacters(self, n, should_not_start_with_escaped=True):
    'should_not_start_with_escaped' means return empty string if the first character is escaped 
    first_character_index = max(0, self.pos - n)
    if first_character_index in self._indices_of_escaped_characters:
        return ''
        return self.src[max(0, self.pos - n):self.pos]

def getPreviousCharacter(self, should_not_start_with_escaped=True):
    return self.getPreviousCharacters(1, should_not_start_with_escaped=should_not_start_with_escaped)

def getNextCharacters(self, n):
    return self.src[self.pos + 1:self.pos + n + 1]

def getNextCharacter(self):
    return self.getNextCharacters(1)

def getPreviousWord(self):
    word = ''
    i = 1
    while i <= self.pos:
        newWord = self.getPreviousCharacters(i)
        if not newWord.isalpha():
        word = newWord
        i += 1
    return word

def getNextWord(self):
    word = ''
    i = 1
    while self.pos + i < len(self.src):
        newWord = self.getNextCharacters(i)
        if not newWord.isalpha():
        word = newWord
        i += 1
    return word

def getPartOfLineAfterPos(self, skip=0):
    result = ''
    i = self.pos + 1 + skip
    while i < len(self.src) and self.src[i] != '\n':
        result += self.src[i]
        i += 1
    return result

def getPartOfLineBeforePos(self, skip=0):
    result = ''
    i = self.pos - 1 - skip
    while i >= 0 and self.src[i] != '\n':
        result = self.src[i] + result
        i -= 1
    return result

def charactersGenerator(self):
    hereDocWord = ''
    _yieldNextNCharactersAsIs = 0

    def close_heredoc():
        self.insideHereDoc = False

    callbacks_after_yield = []

    while self.pos < len(self.src):
        ch = self.src[self.pos]

        if _yieldNextNCharactersAsIs > 0:
            _yieldNextNCharactersAsIs -= 1
        elif ch == "\\" and not self.isEscaped():
            self._indices_of_escaped_characters.add(self.pos + 1)
            if ch == "\n" and not self.isInsideSingleQuotedString() and not self.isInsideDoubleQuotedString():
                # handle end of comments and heredocs
                if self.insideComment:
                    self.insideComment = False
                elif self.insideHereDoc and self.getPartOfLineBeforePos() == hereDocWord:
            elif not self.isInsideComment() and not self.isInsideHereDoc():
                if ch in ('"', "'"):
                    # single quote can't be escaped inside single-quoted string
                    if not self.isEscaped() or ch == "'" and self.isInsideSingleQuotedString():
                elif not self.isInsideSingleQuotedString():
                    if not self.isEscaped():
                        if ch == "#" and not self.isInsideGroup() and \
                                (self.getPreviousCharacter() in ('\n', '\t', ' ', ';') or self.pos == 0):
                            # handle comments
                            self.insideComment = True
                        elif ch == '`':
                        elif ch == '$':
                            next_char = self.getNextCharacter()
                            if next_char in ('{', '(', '['):
                                next_2_chars = self.getNextCharacters(2)
                                _type = 'AP' if next_2_chars == '((' else {'{': 'P', '(': 'S', '[': 'AS'}[next_char]
                                self.pushDelimiter(next_char, _type=_type)
                                _yieldNextNCharactersAsIs = 1
                        elif ch in ('{', '}', '(', ')', '[', ']'):
                        elif ch == '<' and self.getNextCharacter() == '<' and not self.isInsideGroup():
                            _yieldNextNCharactersAsIs = 1

                            # we should handle correctly heredocs and herestrings like this one:
                            # echo <<< one

                            if self.getNextCharacters(2) != '<<':
                                # heredoc
                                self.insideHereDoc = True
                                hereDocWord = self.getPartOfLineAfterPos(skip=1)
                                if hereDocWord[0] == '-':
                                    hereDocWord = hereDocWord[1:]
                                hereDocWord = hereDocWord.strip().replace('"', '').replace("'", '')

        yield ch

        while len(callbacks_after_yield) > 0:

        self.pos += 1

    assert not self.isInsideGroup(), 'Invalid syntax'
    raise StopIteration

def isEscaped(self):
    return self.pos in self._indices_of_escaped_characters

def isInsideDoubleQuotedString(self):
    return self.getLastGroupOpeningDelimiter() == '"'

def isInsideSingleQuotedString(self):
    return self.getLastGroupOpeningDelimiter() == "'"

def isInsideComment(self):
    return self.insideComment

def isInsideHereDoc(self):
    return self.insideHereDoc

def isInsideParameterExpansion(self):
    return self.getLastGroupOpeningDelimiter() == '{'

def isInsideArithmeticExpansion(self):
    return self.getLastGroupOpeningDelimiter().type in ('AP', 'AS')

def isInsideCommandSubstitution(self):
    last_opening_delimiter = self.getLastGroupOpeningDelimiter()
    return last_opening_delimiter == '`' or last_opening_delimiter.type == 'S'

def isInsideAnything(self):
    return self.isInsideGroup() or self.insideHereDoc or self.insideComment

def isInsideGroupWhereWhitespacesCannotBeTruncated(self):
    return self.isInsideComment() or self.isInsideDoubleQuotedString() or self.isInsideDoubleQuotedString() or \
           self.isInsideHereDoc() or self.isInsideParameterExpansion()

def minify(src):

first: remove all comments

it = BashFileIterator(src)
src = ""  # result
for ch in it.charactersGenerator():
    if not it.isInsideComment():
        src += ch

# secondly: remove empty strings, strip lines and truncate spaces (replace groups of whitespaces by single space)
it = BashFileIterator(src)
src = ""  # result
emptyLine = True  # means that no characters has been printed in current line so far
previousSpacePrinted = True
for ch in it.charactersGenerator():
    if it.isInsideSingleQuotedString():
        # first of all check single quoted string because line continuation does not work inside
        src += ch
    elif ch == "\\" and not it.isEscaped() and it.getNextCharacter() == "\n":
        # then check line continuation
        # line continuation will occur on the next iteration. just skip this backslash
    elif ch == "\n" and it.isEscaped():
        # line continuation occurred
        # backslash at the very end of line means line continuation
        # so remove previous backslash and skip current newline character ch
    elif it.isInsideGroupWhereWhitespacesCannotBeTruncated() or it.isEscaped():
        src += ch
    elif ch in (' ', '\t') and not previousSpacePrinted and not emptyLine and \
            not it.getNextCharacter() in (' ', '\t', '\n'):
        src += " "
        previousSpacePrinted = True
    elif ch == "\n" and it.getPreviousCharacter() != "\n" and not emptyLine:
        src += ch
        previousSpacePrinted = True
        emptyLine = True
    elif ch not in (' ', '\t', '\n'):
        src += ch
        previousSpacePrinted = False
        emptyLine = False

# thirdly: get rid of newlines
it = BashFileIterator(src)
src = ""  # result
for ch in it.charactersGenerator():
    if it.isInsideAnything() or ch != "\n":
        src += ch
        prevWord = it.getPreviousWord()
        nextWord = it.getNextWord()
        if it.getNextCharacter() == '{':  # functions declaration, see test t8.sh
            if it.getPreviousCharacter() == ')':
                src += ' '
        elif prevWord in ("until", "while", "then", "do", "else", "in", "elif", "if") or \
                        nextWord in ("in",) or \
                        it.getPreviousCharacter() in ("{", "(") or \
                        it.getPreviousCharacters(2) in ("&&", "||"):
            src += " "
        elif nextWord in ("esac",) and it.getPreviousCharacters(2) != ';;':
            if it.getPreviousCharacter() == ';':
                src += ';'
                src += ';;'
        elif it.getNextCharacter() != "" and it.getPreviousCharacter() not in (";", '|'):
            src += ";"

# finally: remove spaces around semicolons and pipes and other delimiters
it = BashFileIterator(src)
src = ""  # result
other_delimiters = ('|', '&', ';', '<', '>', '(', ')')  # characters that may not be surrounded by whitespaces
for ch in it.charactersGenerator():
    if it.isInsideGroupWhereWhitespacesCannotBeTruncated():
        src += ch
    elif ch in (' ', '\t') \
            and (it.getPreviousCharacter() in other_delimiters or
                         it.getNextCharacter() in other_delimiters) \
            and it.getNextCharacters(2) not in ('<(', '>('):  # process substitution
                                                                # see test t_process_substitution.sh for details
        src += ch

return src

if name == "main":


# http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/xcu_chap02.html
# http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/

# get bash source from file or from stdin
src = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ifile:
        src = ifile.read()
    src = sys.stdin.read()
# use stdout.write instead of print to avoid newline at the end (print with comma at the end does not work)

important rules:

1. A single-quote cannot occur within single-quotes.

2. The input characters within the double-quoted string that are also enclosed between "$(" and the matching ')'

shall not be affected by the double-quotes, but rather shall define that command whose output replaces the "$(...)"

when the word is expanded.

3. Within the double-quoted string of characters from an enclosed "${" to the matching '}', an even number of

unescaped double-quotes or single-quotes, if any, shall occur. A preceding character shall be used

to escape a literal '{' or '}'


Cesar-Hack-Gray commented 3 years ago

Hola te saluda Cesar Hack Gray

Esos archivos no son los que manejan socialsploit las puse ahi por error, y no son escritas por mi

Att... Cesar

El mar., 19 de enero de 2021 12:43 a. m., Casparlay < notifications@github.com> escribió:


import sys

class BashFileIterator: class _Delimiter(object): def init(self, character, _type=''): self.character = character

type may be 'AP' or 'AS' (Arithmetic Expansion delimited by (()) or []


'S' (Command Substitution) or 'P' (Parameter Expansion)

type is set only for parenthesis or curly brace and square brace that

opens group

e.g. in this statement $((1+2)) only the 1st '(' will have type ('AP')

self.type = _type

def is_group_opening(self):
    return bool(self.type or self.character in ("'", '"', '`'))

def __eq__(self, other):
    if isinstance(other, BashFileIterator._Delimiter):
        return other.character == self.character
    elif isinstance(other, basestring):
        return other == self.character
    return False

def __ne__(self, other):
    return not self.__eq__(other)

def __str__(self):
    return self.character

__repr__ = __str__

def init(self, src): self.src = src self.reset()

def reset(self): self.pos = 0 self.insideComment = False self.insideHereDoc = False

# possible characters in stack:
# (, ) -- means Arithmetic Expansion or Command Substitution
# {, } -- means Parameter Expansion
# [, ] -- means Arithmetic Expansion
# ` -- means Command Substitution
# ' -- means single-quoted string
# " -- means double-quoted string
self._delimiters_stack = []
self._indices_of_escaped_characters = set()

def getLastGroupOpeningDelimiter(self): return next((d for d in reversed(self._delimiters_stack) if d.is_group_opening()), BashFileIterator._Delimiter(''))

def pushDelimiter(self, character, _type=''): d = BashFileIterator._Delimiter(character, _type=_type) last_opening = self.getLastGroupOpeningDelimiter() last = self._delimiters_stack[-1] if len(self._delimiters_stack) > 0 else BashFileIterator._Delimiter('')

if d in ('{', '}'):
    if _type != '':  # delimiter that opens group
    elif d == '}' and last == '{':
elif d in ('(', ')'):
    if _type != '':  # delimiter that opens group
    elif last_opening == '(':
        if last == '(' and d == ')':
elif d in ('[', ']'):
    if _type != '':  # delimiter that opens group
    elif last_opening == '[':
        if last == '[' and d == ']':
elif d == "'" and last_opening != '"' or d == '"' and last_opening != "'" or d == '`':
    if d == last_opening:

def isInsideGroup(self): return len(self._delimiters_stack) != 0

def getPreviousCharacters(self, n, should_not_start_with_escaped=True): """ 'should_not_start_with_escaped' means return empty string if the first character is escaped """ first_character_index = max(0, self.pos - n) if first_character_index in self._indices_of_escaped_characters: return '' else: return self.src[max(0, self.pos - n):self.pos]

def getPreviousCharacter(self, should_not_start_with_escaped=True): return self.getPreviousCharacters(1, should_not_start_with_escaped=should_not_start_with_escaped)

def getNextCharacters(self, n): return self.src[self.pos + 1:self.pos + n + 1]

def getNextCharacter(self): return self.getNextCharacters(1)

def getPreviousWord(self): word = '' i = 1 while i <= self.pos: newWord = self.getPreviousCharacters(i) if not newWord.isalpha(): break word = newWord i += 1 return word

def getNextWord(self): word = '' i = 1 while self.pos + i < len(self.src): newWord = self.getNextCharacters(i) if not newWord.isalpha(): break word = newWord i += 1 return word

def getPartOfLineAfterPos(self, skip=0): result = '' i = self.pos + 1 + skip while i < len(self.src) and self.src[i] != '\n': result += self.src[i] i += 1 return result

def getPartOfLineBeforePos(self, skip=0): result = '' i = self.pos - 1 - skip while i >= 0 and self.src[i] != '\n': result = self.src[i] + result i -= 1 return result

def charactersGenerator(self): hereDocWord = '' _yieldNextNCharactersAsIs = 0

def close_heredoc():
    self.insideHereDoc = False

callbacks_after_yield = []

while self.pos < len(self.src):
    ch = self.src[self.pos]

    if _yieldNextNCharactersAsIs > 0:
        _yieldNextNCharactersAsIs -= 1
    elif ch == "\\" and not self.isEscaped():
        self._indices_of_escaped_characters.add(self.pos + 1)
        if ch == "\n" and not self.isInsideSingleQuotedString() and not self.isInsideDoubleQuotedString():
            # handle end of comments and heredocs
            if self.insideComment:
                self.insideComment = False
            elif self.insideHereDoc and self.getPartOfLineBeforePos() == hereDocWord:
        elif not self.isInsideComment() and not self.isInsideHereDoc():
            if ch in ('"', "'"):
                # single quote can't be escaped inside single-quoted string
                if not self.isEscaped() or ch == "'" and self.isInsideSingleQuotedString():
            elif not self.isInsideSingleQuotedString():
                if not self.isEscaped():
                    if ch == "#" and not self.isInsideGroup() and \
                            (self.getPreviousCharacter() in ('\n', '\t', ' ', ';') or self.pos == 0):
                        # handle comments
                        self.insideComment = True
                    elif ch == '`':
                    elif ch == '$':
                        next_char = self.getNextCharacter()
                        if next_char in ('{', '(', '['):
                            next_2_chars = self.getNextCharacters(2)
                            _type = 'AP' if next_2_chars == '((' else {'{': 'P', '(': 'S', '[': 'AS'}[next_char]
                            self.pushDelimiter(next_char, _type=_type)
                            _yieldNextNCharactersAsIs = 1
                    elif ch in ('{', '}', '(', ')', '[', ']'):
                    elif ch == '<' and self.getNextCharacter() == '<' and not self.isInsideGroup():
                        _yieldNextNCharactersAsIs = 1

                        # we should handle correctly heredocs and herestrings like this one:
                        # echo <<< one

                        if self.getNextCharacters(2) != '<<':
                            # heredoc
                            self.insideHereDoc = True
                            hereDocWord = self.getPartOfLineAfterPos(skip=1)
                            if hereDocWord[0] == '-':
                                hereDocWord = hereDocWord[1:]
                            hereDocWord = hereDocWord.strip().replace('"', '').replace("'", '')

    yield ch

    while len(callbacks_after_yield) > 0:

    self.pos += 1

assert not self.isInsideGroup(), 'Invalid syntax'
raise StopIteration

def isEscaped(self): return self.pos in self._indices_of_escaped_characters

def isInsideDoubleQuotedString(self): return self.getLastGroupOpeningDelimiter() == '"'

def isInsideSingleQuotedString(self): return self.getLastGroupOpeningDelimiter() == "'"

def isInsideComment(self): return self.insideComment

def isInsideHereDoc(self): return self.insideHereDoc

def isInsideParameterExpansion(self): return self.getLastGroupOpeningDelimiter() == '{'

def isInsideArithmeticExpansion(self): return self.getLastGroupOpeningDelimiter().type in ('AP', 'AS')

def isInsideCommandSubstitution(self): last_opening_delimiter = self.getLastGroupOpeningDelimiter() return last_opening_delimiter == '`' or last_opening_delimiter.type == 'S'

def isInsideAnything(self): return self.isInsideGroup() or self.insideHereDoc or self.insideComment

def isInsideGroupWhereWhitespacesCannotBeTruncated(self): return self.isInsideComment() or self.isInsideDoubleQuotedString() or self.isInsideDoubleQuotedString() or \ self.isInsideHereDoc() or self.isInsideParameterExpansion()

def minify(src):

first: remove all comments

it = BashFileIterator(src) src = "" # result for ch in it.charactersGenerator(): if not it.isInsideComment(): src += ch

secondly: remove empty strings, strip lines and truncate spaces (replace groups of whitespaces by single space)

it = BashFileIterator(src) src = "" # result emptyLine = True # means that no characters has been printed in current line so far previousSpacePrinted = True for ch in it.charactersGenerator(): if it.isInsideSingleQuotedString():

first of all check single quoted string because line continuation does not work inside

    src += ch
elif ch == "\\" and not it.isEscaped() and it.getNextCharacter() == "\n":
    # then check line continuation
    # line continuation will occur on the next iteration. just skip this backslash
elif ch == "\n" and it.isEscaped():
    # line continuation occurred
    # backslash at the very end of line means line continuation
    # so remove previous backslash and skip current newline character ch
elif it.isInsideGroupWhereWhitespacesCannotBeTruncated() or it.isEscaped():
    src += ch
elif ch in (' ', '\t') and not previousSpacePrinted and not emptyLine and \
        not it.getNextCharacter() in (' ', '\t', '\n'):
    src += " "
    previousSpacePrinted = True
elif ch == "\n" and it.getPreviousCharacter() != "\n" and not emptyLine:
    src += ch
    previousSpacePrinted = True
    emptyLine = True
elif ch not in (' ', '\t', '\n'):
    src += ch
    previousSpacePrinted = False
    emptyLine = False

thirdly: get rid of newlines

it = BashFileIterator(src) src = "" # result for ch in it.charactersGenerator(): if it.isInsideAnything() or ch != "\n": src += ch else: prevWord = it.getPreviousWord() nextWord = it.getNextWord() if it.getNextCharacter() == '{': # functions declaration, see test t8.sh if it.getPreviousCharacter() == ')': continue else: src += ' ' elif prevWord in ("until", "while", "then", "do", "else", "in", "elif", "if") or \ nextWord in ("in",) or \ it.getPreviousCharacter() in ("{", "(") or \ it.getPreviousCharacters(2) in ("&&", "||"): src += " " elif nextWord in ("esac",) and it.getPreviousCharacters(2) != ';;': if it.getPreviousCharacter() == ';': src += ';' else: src += ';;' elif it.getNextCharacter() != "" and it.getPreviousCharacter() not in (";", '|'): src += ";"

finally: remove spaces around semicolons and pipes and other delimiters

it = BashFileIterator(src) src = "" # result other_delimiters = ('|', '&', ';', '<', '>', '(', ')') # characters that may not be surrounded by whitespaces for ch in it.charactersGenerator(): if it.isInsideGroupWhereWhitespacesCannotBeTruncated(): src += ch elif ch in (' ', '\t') \ and (it.getPreviousCharacter() in other_delimiters or it.getNextCharacter() in other_delimiters) \ and it.getNextCharacters(2) not in ('<(', '>('): # process substitution

see test t_process_substitution.sh for details

    src += ch

return src

if name == "main": # https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Reserved-Word-Index.html



get bash source from file or from stdin

src = "" if len(sys.argv) > 1: with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as ifile: src = ifile.read() else: src = sys.stdin.read()

use stdout.write instead of print to avoid newline at the end (print with comma at the end does not work)


important rules: 1. A single-quote cannot occur within single-quotes. 2. The input characters within the double-quoted string that are also enclosed between "$(" and the matching ')' shall not be affected by the double-quotes, but rather shall define that command whose output replaces the "$(...)" when the word is expanded. 3. Within the double-quoted string of characters from an enclosed "${" to the matching '}', an even number of unescaped double-quotes or single-quotes, if any, shall occur. A preceding character shall be used to escape a literal '{' or '}' 4.

You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:

https://github.com/Cesar-Hack-Gray/SocialSploit/pull/14 Commit Summary

  • Update .CesarHackGray

File Changes

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