CesiumGS / 3d-tiles-tools

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Unknown argument: convertB3dmToGlb error while executing 3d-tiles-tools #85

Closed yadunandan6176 closed 9 months ago

yadunandan6176 commented 10 months ago

Hi I'm trying to convert B3dm file to glb using 3d-tiles-tools.

I tried using the convertB3dmToGlb command as I wanted to convert the batch table information to feature table, I used the following command: npx 3d-tiles-tools convertB3dmToGlb -i ./data/example.b3dm -o ./data/example.glb

But when I execute the above command it throws the following error:

Usage: npx 3d-tiles-tools <command> [options]

  convert            Convert between tilesets and tileset package formats. The
                     input and output can be paths to tileset JSON files,
                     '.3tz', or '.3dtiles' files.
  glbToB3dm          Repackage the input glb as a b3dm with a basic header.
  glbToI3dm          Repackage the input glb as a i3dm with a basic header.
  b3dmToGlb          Extract the binary glTF asset from the input b3dm.
  i3dmToGlb          Extract the binary glTF asset from the input i3dm.
  cmptToGlb          Extract the binary glTF assets from the input cmpt.
  optimizeB3dm       Pass the input b3dm through gltf-pipeline. To pass options
                     to gltf-pipeline, place them after --options. (--options -h
                     for gltf-pipeline help)
  optimizeI3dm       Pass the input i3dm through gltf-pipeline. To pass options
                     to gltf-pipeline, place them after --options. (--options -h
                     for gltf-pipeline help)
  gzip               Gzips the input tileset directory.
  ungzip             Ungzips the input tileset directory.
  combine            Combines all external tilesets into a single tileset.json
  merge              Merge any number of tilesets together into a single
  upgrade            Upgrades the input tileset to the latest version of the 3D
                     Tiles spec. Embedded glTF models will be upgraded to glTF
  pipeline           Execute a pipeline that is provided as a JSON file
  analyze            Analyze the input file, and write the results to the output
                     directory. This will accept B3DM, I3DM, PNTS, CMPT, and GLB
                     files (both for glTF 1.0 and for glTF 2.0), and write files
                     into the output directory that contain the feature table,
                     batch table, layout information, the GLB, and the JSON of
                     the GLB
  tilesetToDatabase  Create a sqlite database for a tileset. (Deprecated - use
                     'convert' instead)
  databaseToTileset  Unpack a tileset database to a tileset folder. (Deprecated
                     - use 'convert' instead)

      --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]
  -h, --help     Show help                                             [boolean]
  -f, --force    Output can be overwritten if it already exists.
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]

Unknown arguments: i, o, convertB3dmToGlb

As per the help convertB3dmToGlb is not listed in options but it is listed in readme file. May I know know to use this functionality.

javagl commented 9 months ago

(Sorry for the delay here)

First, a minor comment: You said that you are using the command npx 3d-tiles-tools ... and I see that this is also written as the "Usage: ..." part of the output, but this is not the right thing to print - that help message will have to be updated to match the information from the README

Beyond that, the details depend on whether you installed the 3D Tiles Tools, or whether you cloned the repository.

When you installed the 3D Tiles tools:

If you installed the 3D Tiles Tools with npm install -g 3d-tiles-tools, then you might want to type 3d-tiles-tools --version at the command line. It should print 0.3.2 (which is currently the latest version) If it does not print 0.3.2, then it means that you have an older verison of the 3D Tiles Tools installed. You should run npm update -g 3d-tiles-tools Afterwards, you can run 3d-tiles-tools --version again to confirum that you have the latest version.

The latest version should offer the convertB3dmToGlb command.

When you cloned the repository

Running npx 3d-tiles-tools... will by default run any version of the 3D Tiles Tools that are installed globally. And (similar to the point above), you can run 3d-tiles-tools --version to see whether there is a potentially older version of the tools installed.

In oder to directly execute the code of the cloned repository, you have to write npx ts-node ./src/main.ts convertB3dmToGlb ...

(This is mentioned briefly in the Developer Setup section of the README. The point here is that npx ts-node... has to be used to "directly execute the .ts file from the repo", so to speak...)

In any case, I'll leave this issue open as a reminder that