CesiumGS / cesium-threejs-experiment

A small example for using Three JS on Cesium to emulate a combined scene.
Apache License 2.0
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about three.js vision #4

Open Ltyro opened 6 years ago

Ltyro commented 6 years ago

The function lookAt() in the Object3D in revision 88 and above of three.js has been changed, so there caught a problem that mesh can't be seen. then I modified: "centerHigh = new THREE.Vector3(centerHigh.x, centerHigh.y, centerHigh.z)" at line 205 in CesiumThree.js .and it works. After all, Cartesian3 can't be used as Vector3 at all situations.

lvisei commented 3 years ago

revision 88 - 95 it works.