CesiumGS / cesium-unity

Bringing the 3D geospatial ecosystem to Unity
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Add support for viewing tiles in Iso orientation #440

Open csciguy8 opened 6 months ago

csciguy8 commented 6 months ago

Open cesium-unity-samples, 02_CesiumMelbourne

Look down at the street somewhere... image

Switch the orientation to Iso by using the Scene Gizmo (circled in red in previous screenshot)... image

Tiles are missing.

Interestingly, keeping the camera in Persp and setting the FOV to 4 degrees (minimum) looks fine.

kring commented 6 months ago

Same issue in Cesium for Unreal: https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium-unreal/issues/383 The SSE-based LOD selection algorithm used by 3D Tiles doesn't work with non-perspective frustums. I'm sure there's something reasonable we could do instead, but it's never been deemed important enough to figure out.

csciguy8 commented 6 months ago

One use case for ortho views would be when defining a spline for a Cartographic Polygon.

Using a top down ortho view makes it a little easier to line up a spline to features in the imagery (roads, rivers, other boundaries).

j9liu commented 6 months ago

Here's an old (closed) PR we might be able to use for future reference: https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium-native/pull/287