CesiumGS / cesium-unreal

Bringing the 3D geospatial ecosystem to Unreal Engine
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Improve DynamicPawn movement after flight is interrupted #1386

Closed csciguy8 closed 2 months ago

csciguy8 commented 3 months ago

Closes #1238 .

Fix getting stuck in space when interrupting a flight by removing block that rejects large speed increases. For cases where a tile is unloaded, the previous "height trace return 0" test covers this...

Removal Block Capture

While we're here, fix case where you can interrupt flight in space, fly back down to the ground, and your speed is gigantic. Do this by updating our speed when our camera location changes, not just when there's input.

Added "Did movement happen this tick?" block (previously used Get Last Movement Input Vector)

Addition Block Capture

j9liu commented 2 months ago

@csciguy8 Just letting you know that I'm not ignoring these PRs, but I'll probably wait until after the release this week to review / merge them.

j9liu commented 2 months ago

Thanks @csciguy8 ! It seems like this works well, I can't seem to get the camera stuck despite my numerous attempts :smile:

Will merge when CI passes

csciguy8 commented 2 months ago

@j9liu Thanks! Just one caveat with this chain of PRs.

I did find a bug, and fixed it, but snuck the fix to the last PR in this chain.

Here's the commit details... https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium-unreal/pull/1390/commits/110e77896c0b1323073f75b7765214acf780de6b

To repro, just start cesium-unreal-samples, level 13 (google tiles), and enter PIE. You'll get stuck.