CesiumGS / cesium-unreal

Bringing the 3D geospatial ecosystem to Unreal Engine
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Fixes for Unreal Engine 5.4 problems #1408

Closed kring closed 2 months ago

kring commented 2 months ago

Fixes #1407 In UE 5.4, UBodySetup::ChaosTriMeshes has been "deprecated" and replaced with TriMeshGeometries. I put deprecated in quotes because the old property still exists, so code that uses it compiles, it just doesn't work at all anymore. Which is not my favorite kind of deprecation, if I'm being honest.

Fixes #1405 In UE 5.3 we got the RunningThreadedRequestLimit configuration property. In UE 5.4 we now have its friend, RunningThreadedRequestLimitEditor that needs to be set, too. Both put an unnecessarily low limit on the number of simultaneous network requests that are allowed, so we increase the limits using our plugin's config.

j9liu commented 2 months ago

Thanks @kring ! I'll trust that you've already tested this, so I'll go ahead and merge to speed up the release.

csciguy8 commented 2 months ago

Tested with latest in 5.4. Verified these changes are good!