CesiumGS / cesium-unreal

Bringing the 3D geospatial ecosystem to Unreal Engine
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Issues with remote desktop / pixel streaming #1418

Open j9liu opened 2 months ago

j9liu commented 2 months ago

Reported on the forum here: https://community.cesium.com/t/cesium-causes-app-to-seize-after-random-amount-of-time/31742

Seems to happen on the latest version of the plugin.

We are running on a server and connecting via pixel streaming. The server is using a T4 GPU We were initially using the google api tileset but switched to Cesium World Terrain with OSM buildings to test but it didn’t have any impact. Only common factor that we could determine is moving quickly and erratically. There wasn’t a common interval when it would freeze. Happens anywhere in the world. It freezes until the unreal thread times out and then it crashes.

This only happens on levels running cesium tiles. The only way we were able to stop the freezing is to add the command line arg “-onethread”.

I tested by using windows remote desktop and I was able to move around fine.

As soon as I launched pixel streaming, it crashed. So it may be some combination of those 2 tools not playing nice with each other.

I suggested playing around with loading settings, such as Maximum Cached Bytes and Maximum Simultaneous Tile Loads, but no dice. I haven't tried to reproduce this myself yet, but I'm documenting it here in the meantime.