CesiumGS / cesium-unreal

Bringing the 3D geospatial ecosystem to Unreal Engine
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Unable to Install #1475

Closed syaifulnizamyahya closed 2 weeks ago

syaifulnizamyahya commented 2 weeks ago

In this documentation, https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium-unreal/blob/main/Documentation/developer-setup-windows.md

during setup in Visual Studio 2019,

At this step : Right-click on the root CMakeLists.txt and select "Install".

I got 4 error messages.

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error   C2220   the following warning is treated as an error    D:\Dev\cesium-unreal-samples\Plugins\cesium-unreal\extern\CMakeLists.txt    D:\Dev\cesium-unreal-samples\Plugins\cesium-unreal\extern\cesium-native\extern\stb\stb_image_write.h    776 
Error   C2220   the following warning is treated as an error    D:\Dev\cesium-unreal-samples\Plugins\cesium-unreal\extern\CMakeLists.txt    D:\Dev\cesium-unreal-samples\Plugins\cesium-unreal\extern\cesium-native\Cesium3DTilesContent\include\Cesium3DTilesContent\GltfConverterUtility.h    18  
Error   C2220   the following warning is treated as an error    D:\Dev\cesium-unreal-samples\Plugins\cesium-unreal\extern\CMakeLists.txt    D:\Dev\cesium-unreal-samples\Plugins\cesium-unreal\extern\cesium-native\Cesium3DTilesContent\include\Cesium3DTilesContent\GltfConverterUtility.h    18  
Error   C2220   the following warning is treated as an error    D:\Dev\cesium-unreal-samples\Plugins\cesium-unreal\extern\CMakeLists.txt    D:\Dev\cesium-unreal-samples\Plugins\cesium-unreal\extern\cesium-native\extern\stb\stb_image.h  1096    

Anyone manage to even setup the dev environments?

syaifulnizamyahya commented 2 weeks ago

Got it working for now. Instead of using steps for Visual Studio 2019, I use steps for CMake GUI. Make sure to explicitly choose Visual Studio 2019 as the compiler. Able to make progress for now.

syaifulnizamyahya commented 2 weeks ago

Spoke too soon.

At the step Select "Generate Visual Studio project files"

The build window closed without any notification. Not sure if it successful or not. I open CesiumForUnrealSamples.sln using Visual Studio 2019, and noticed that all project failed to load/unloaded. Right click to reload does not fix it. image

Any tips?

csciguy8 commented 2 weeks ago

When you right click and choose "Generate Visual Studio Project Files", you should see a button that says "Show Log". That might tell you something.

And if you don't see anything there, you can also check in /Saved/Logs/CesiumForUnrealSamples.log.

You could also try using Visual Studio Community 2022 instead. That's what I use lately.

syaifulnizamyahya commented 2 weeks ago

CesiumForUnrealSamples.log Attached my logs. I did try with Visual Studio Community 2022, doesn't work. That's why I tried with Visual Studio 2019. I have tried with Unreal 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 (Switch engine version when right click *.uproject)

Any ideas?

syaifulnizamyahya commented 2 weeks ago

I get this error when tyring to launch game from CesiumForUnrealSamples.uproject


csciguy8 commented 2 weeks ago

You shouldn't be seeing that dialog if building the plugin yourself.

Are you just opening the .uproject? You should be building / launching the game from CesiumForUnrealSamples.sln

Closing this, as it sounds like a set up issue, rather than a repo issue.

We can still discuss though.