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Leverage Hardware Occlusion Queries in Tileset Traversal #818

Closed nithinp7 closed 2 years ago

nithinp7 commented 2 years ago

In Cesium Native, we currently cull tiles based on the frustum and fog (distance). This means we are often loading tiles that are occluded by other tiles, especially in close-up views (e.g., in between buildings in a city). Luckily Unreal avoids draw-calls for many of these tiles using hardware occlusion queries. We could take it one step further and take the result of these visibility queries and feed them back to Cesium Native's traversal logic.

Some thoughts (will make this more concise when I get a chance):

A naive approach to start would be just avoid further refining tiles that are reported to be occluded, regardless of the SSE. If the tile is already refined and has loaded descendants, we can consider all those descendants as culled. In this approach, nothing changes about how or what we render in GltfComponent. The occlusion results that Unreal generates anyways will simply be piped back to the Cesium Native traversal.

Unfortunately, this approach is awkward and is nonoptimal when parents are skipped or kicked in favor of descendants (descendants can only be occlusion culled if a parent is rendered and receiving occlusion results). It would be easier if we could get occlusion results for tiles that aren't necessarily loaded. Luckily hardware occlusion queries only require a bounding volume for the occludee, which we have before the tile is loaded.

I am going to experiment a bit on the Unreal side to get a better sense of how and if the occlusion system is exposed. If it isn't I will try to form an educated guess of how difficult it would be to set up a custom gpu-based occlusion system using compute shaders. In general it seems straight forward, but it depends on the amount of Unreal API-wrangling that is necessary.

Some relevant links:

kring commented 2 years ago

I was telling Patrick a little bit about this, and he's very interested as he spent some time thinking about this problem for his MS thesis. From Patrick:

It could also be worthwhile to use the occlusion to drive the LOD, i.e., if a tile is mostly occluded then use a lower resolution tile. Of course, it could impact visual quality, but we would have to test to see the tradeoff in practice and we could also make this an option and parameterize it.

I looked into this for my MS thesis, but I don't think I ever implemented. Search for "VMSSE" and see Section 3.4 - http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

It references this paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/220845198_Optimized_HLOD_Refinement_Driven_by_Hardware_Occlusion_Queries

I know the third author a bit if we ever wanted to talk to them; he and his students did a lot in HLOD and out-of-core rendering in the 2000's (and maybe later but I haven't tracked their work recently).

kring commented 2 years ago

More from Patrick:

BTW I had one more idea about occlusion culling...sorry...I am the worst...so the queries are pretty low overhead because they are async, just a few vertices, and with pass through fragment shaders...however, they do end up with a ton of just raw fillrate so are you guys turning them off at all when they don't work well, e.g., (1) above a certain altitude, (2) based on dot product of view vector and local surface normal, (3) based on how success they were over the past n frames??? Fun, fun, fun, I am so jealous!

nithinp7 commented 2 years ago

Implemented in #848.