CesiumGS / cesium

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Many npm modules severely out of date #10956

Closed mramato closed 4 months ago

mramato commented 1 year ago

I know we updated the release guide in #10754 to check for out of date npm versions, but no one doing the release seems to be following it.

Package                      Current   Wanted  Latest  Location                                  Depended by
@rollup/plugin-commonjs       22.0.2   22.0.2  23.0.4  node_modules/@rollup/plugin-commonjs      cesium
@rollup/plugin-node-resolve   14.1.0   14.1.0  15.0.1  node_modules/@rollup/plugin-node-resolve  cesium
@zip.js/zip.js                2.4.26   2.4.26  2.6.60  node_modules/@zip.js/zip.js               engine@npm:@cesium/engine@1.0.0
autolinker                    3.16.2   3.16.2   4.0.0  node_modules/autolinker                   engine@npm:@cesium/engine@1.0.0
esbuild                      0.15.18  0.15.18  0.16.6  node_modules/esbuild                      cesium
eslint-plugin-html             6.2.0    6.2.0   7.1.0  node_modules/eslint-plugin-html           cesium
husky                          7.0.4    7.0.4   8.0.2  node_modules/husky                        cesium
jsdoc                         3.6.11   3.6.11   4.0.0  node_modules/jsdoc                        cesium
jsep                           0.3.5    0.3.5   1.3.8  node_modules/jsep                         engine@npm:@cesium/engine@1.0.0
karma-jasmine                  4.0.2    4.0.2   5.1.0  node_modules/karma-jasmine                cesium
karma-spec-reporter           0.0.32   0.0.32  0.0.35  node_modules/karma-spec-reporter          cesium
lerc                           2.0.0    2.0.0   4.0.1  node_modules/lerc                         engine@npm:@cesium/engine@1.0.0
markdownlint-cli              0.31.1   0.31.1  0.32.2  node_modules/markdownlint-cli             cesium
prettier                       2.1.2    2.1.2   2.8.1  node_modules/prettier                     cesium
rollup                        2.79.1   2.79.1   3.7.4  node_modules/rollup                       cesium

CC @ggetz @sanjeetsuhag

ggetz commented 1 year ago

We did a few in https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/pull/10761 and https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/pull/10772, but did not finish updating everything. I was planning on updating the last of these this week ahead of the holidays, but we'll leave this open to track accountability for that.

ggetz commented 1 year ago

Updated packages in:

These issues document the reaming packages which needs updates, and the reason preventing at the current time:

I believe that leaves prettier, and we'll check again for updates closer to the release.

ggetz commented 4 months ago

I believe we have individual issues open for all remaining packages.