Closed engineerhe closed 1 year ago
Hi @engineerhe,
Would you be able to include a Sandcastle example that replicates the issue? Or be able to otherwise provide the tileset? That would help us give us more context to determine the issue.
To confirm your 3D Tiles data is valid, you can run it through the 3d-tiles-validator and let us know the results.
Hi @ggetz , Thank you for your response first, and then tileset address is, When the load is finished locate this address 115.60096139316958, 32.431409313604654(longtitude,latitude,alitude), 30.028754144294794, and then scale, you will find that there are slices without rendering, [.webgl-000001C2002a8d00] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: Insufficient buffer size warning is displayed on the browser console.
Thanks @engineerhe, would you be able to provide a complete code example?
Hi @ggetz ,
I'm sorry I didn't make that clear.The full code is as follows:
const viewer = new Viewer("cesiumContainer"); let cesium3DTileset = new Cesium3DTileset({ url: "" }); cesium3DTileset.readyPromise.then((tileset) => { viewer.scene.primitives.add(tileset); // viewer.flyTo(tileset);{ destination: Cartesian3.fromDegrees(115.6009, 32.4314, 30.028), orientation: { heading: 0.0, pitch: -Math.PI / 3, roll: 0.0 } }); });
Then, you'll see something like this
Thanks @engineerhe, I'm able to replicate this issue.
@ggetz Is there a plan to solve this problem? Version greater than 1.96 has this issue.
hello,cesium teams, I found that when loading 3dtiles tiles, there exist tiles which are missing at some levels.Such as follows,