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Shared identical external textures from GLB files are not accounted for in resource statistics #11897

Open javagl opened 3 months ago

javagl commented 3 months ago

EDIT: This issue originally claimed that external textures that are referred to from multiple GLB files are not shared internally. A pragmatic logging statement in the GltfImageLoader class suggests that the textures are shared, and actually only loaded once. But loading such an asset still causes undesired behavior, with the details updated below accordingly.

The following archive contains test data for this, namely a tileset and a simple Sandcastle for loading it:


The tileset consists of a simple tileset.json that refers to 100 GLB files. These GLB files each contain trivial geometry (a unit square, two triangles). All these 100 GLB files refer to only two external textures (that are stored outside of the GLB, and referred to, from the GLBs, via their URI). These are PNG files with 2048x2048 pixels.

So the whole tileset cotains two 2k-textures and a few bytes of geometry data, but when more tiles are loaded, it bails out with the message

"The tiles needed to meet maximumScreenSpaceError would use more memory than allocated for this tileset."

and starts omitting some tiles:

Cesium External Texture Sharing

After a short investigation, it turns out that the external textures indeed are loaded only once. But the mechanism for computing the memory usage does not take this into account. The ModelStatistics are accumulating the data for each model, and reporting the total size as the totalMemoryUsageBytes, which eventually triggers the message about the exceeded memory.

kring commented 3 months ago

CC CesiumGS/cesium-native#497 That issue actually makes it sounds like CesiumJS handled this at one time?

javagl commented 3 months ago

@kring Others may have to confirm this, but I also thought that this was supposed to be implemented. I tested it, inspired by the forum post at https://community.cesium.com/t/how-does-cesiumjs-manage-textures-shared-across-tiles/30404/2 , and it looks like it is not working as expected.

But note the NOTE that I edited in: It might be that CesiumJS is actually doing the texture sharing, and it is only the "memory tracking" functionality that does not properly take this into account, and assumes that the tiles need more memory than they actually need. (I think there's no really easy way to confirm that - e.g. something like the "Windows Task Manager - GPU memory" overview might not really be accurate enough here...)

timoore commented 3 months ago

But note the NOTE that I edited in: It might be that CesiumJS is actually doing the texture sharing, and it is only the "memory tracking" functionality that does not properly take this into account, and assumes that the tiles need more memory than they actually need. (I think there's no really easy way to confirm that - e.g. something like the "Windows Task Manager - GPU memory" overview might not really be accurate enough here...)

You can run renderdoc with chrome and see the allocated textures; see e.g. https://edw.is/renderdoc-webgl/ . I don't know if there are more integrated tools than that.

javagl commented 3 months ago

An update: It now looks like the textures are shared, but only the mechanism for computing the "total memory usage" is flawed by not taking this into account, and causes tiles (unnecessarily) to be omitted. The issue text has been updated accordingly.

javagl commented 2 months ago

I had a short look at how this could be addressed.

Some context - people might want to skip this if they already have a mental model of all that...:

Now, there are two parts to this problem.

The (maybe) simpler one is identifying identical textures.

Each Texture object already has an _id field. This is just initialized with a GUID when the texture is created. But there already is a cacheKey in GltfTextureLoader that could be used for identifying identical textures. This will be a string like texture:http://localhost:8003/texture1.png-sampler-10497-10497-9729-9729-context-a4d9a28d-3340-4e39-8cbf-76f8423e1643 that could be forwarded to the Texture, to be used as its ID (as part of the CreateTextureJob.

The more difficult question is: How to handle these IDs and the size, globally for the whole tileset?

The information about the textures and their sizes has to be stored and maintained on the level of the tileset. This would probably reside in the Cesium3DTilesetStatistics. And it would probably boil down to some mapping from the texture._id of the loaded textures to their size.

This mapping has to be updated when tiles are loaded/unloaded. And right now, the update of the statistics is solely happening based on the information that is provided by a Cesium3DTileContent. So one could naively say that this interface also has to maintain such a texture._id -> size mapping. But this would be a considerable change in that interface (that is implemented by several classes). (EDIT: In the tileset statistics, this mapping would have to be maintained with some sort of reference counter, of course...). One could probably think about other options, but I don't have a really great idea how one could "nicely" transport this information from the Model3DTileContent to the tileset level. (And with 'nicely', I mean without breaking the interface and/or doing some instanceof Model3DTileContent checks....)

I'll think about some options, and maybe try out a few things, but maybe someone already has a strong preference for one approach here.