CesiumGS / cesium

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Vector Tiles #2132

Open pjcozzi opened 9 years ago

pjcozzi commented 9 years ago

2D maps like Google, Apple, MapBox GL, and OL3 are moving to actual vectors for rendering vector data, instead of baking vector data into a raster tile. This allows, for example, to make labels always face up even if south is up and to fade out labels so they never hit each other.

For now, this roadmap is a collection of resources on this topic.

pksorensen commented 9 years ago

Vector tiles for fast custom maps (video) , http://vimeo.com/10622814 Wrong video ? :)

pjcozzi commented 9 years ago

Fixed. Thanks.

pjcozzi commented 9 years ago

Cesium forum discussion

pjcozzi commented 9 years ago

More discussion: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/cesium-dev/QnOxsA0iwa0

mramato commented 9 years ago

Looks like ESRI is adopting Mapbox vector tiles: https://www.mapbox.com/blog/vector-tile-adoption/

pjcozzi commented 9 years ago

Info from FOSS4G NA 2015.

pjcozzi commented 9 years ago

From Mapzen: Look Upon Our Squares of Math in Three Dimensions

pjcozzi commented 9 years ago
pjcozzi commented 9 years ago


pjcozzi commented 9 years ago
GatorScott commented 9 years ago

Demo of vector tiles at Esri UC is last video on page


From: Patrick Cozzi [mailto:notifications@github.com] Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 5:45 PM To: AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium Subject: Re: [cesium] Vector Tiles (#2132)

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/issues/2132#issuecomment-123053536.

bensleveritt commented 7 years ago

Is this still being considered by Cesium? It would be an impressive feature to tout.

pjcozzi commented 7 years ago

Yes, but our current focus is on 3D Tiles.

bingqixuan commented 6 years ago

Hello, I want to know when will it come out, I'm very looking forward to it~

pjcozzi commented 6 years ago

Current work-in-progress for 3D Tiles vector tiles is in the vector-tiles branch. The final date is still TBA.

davidyaha commented 6 years ago

@pjcozzi Was this issue "fixed" with https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/pull/6097?

pjcozzi commented 6 years ago

@davidyaha that added support for the draft vector tile payload in 3D Tiles, but I would still leave this issue open for other potential vector tile specs.

OmarShehata commented 5 years ago

OSM has global vector data, it would be cool to support that in Cesium and eventually serve it from ion:


Forum discussion.

OmarShehata commented 5 years ago

Requested again here: https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/issues/7939

Also perhaps relevant, some thoughts on how TerriaJS loads these vector tiles? https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/issues/6182#issuecomment-362723885

bampakoa commented 5 years ago

Is there any related work or PR that we could follow up?

icemagno commented 4 years ago

How can I extend MapboxImageryProvider to load PBF files instead PNG ? I think I can do something to put it to work using this : https://landtechnologies.github.io/Mapbox-vector-tiles-basic-js-renderer/.

As I can see, this renderer can get a PBF from {x},{y},{z} and render it in any canvas (the Cesium canvas??).


it is just an idea to start. I know almost nothing about how Providers work. I need to know how to test a new Provider without need to compile all Cesium code. Any way to add it as a plugin? Some code to show me how?

What do you say?

OmarShehata commented 4 years ago

@icemagno you might find the GridImageryProvider useful as a reference here. It's the simplest imagery provider I know of (procedural creates a grid as the tiles): https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/Source/Scene/GridImageryProvider.js

It should be straightforward to set up the CesiumJS source code so you can add your custom class, see the build guide here: https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/Documentation/Contributors/BuildGuide/README.md#build-guide

icemagno commented 4 years ago

Ok. I'll give a try. BTW: I know you guys have a long expertise to write thousands of lines before build and test but I like to check every step I do in the code.

So... I dont like the "write-build-test" method because I'll spend hours in a lot of builds. Is there some "write-F5-test" way to do this? I mean... can I write my code and immediately check it just refreshing the browser without the need to rebuild every time?

OmarShehata commented 4 years ago

BTW: I know you guys have a long expertise to write thousands of lines before build and test

I don't think that's a good idea no matter how much expertise anyone has :smile:

When running CesiumJS from the source as described in the linked guide above, you can make changes directly to the source and see the changes immediately by refreshing the page or re-running the Sandcastle example. This is how most CesiumJS development is done.

If you have any follow up questions on best practices here, let's take this conversation to the forum so as not to derail this GitHub issue.

am2222 commented 4 years ago

How can I extend MapboxImageryProvider to load PBF files instead PNG ? I think I can do something to put it to work using this : https://landtechnologies.github.io/Mapbox-vector-tiles-basic-js-renderer/.

As I can see, this renderer can get a PBF from {x},{y},{z} and render it in any canvas (the Cesium canvas??).


it is just an idea to start. I know almost nothing about how Providers work. I need to know how to test a new Provider without need to compile all Cesium code. Any way to add it as a plugin? Some code to show me how?

What do you say?

@icemagno What if we suse something like this library https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.VectorGrid

icemagno commented 4 years ago

@am2222 I'm using Cesium not Leaflet

am2222 commented 4 years ago

@icemagno yeah I know, I am also looking for a way to make vector tiles work on cesium, but that plugin actually is doing the same thing as you said.it reads pbf files draws them on a canvas and leaflet plots that canvas. in our case we need draw pbf using cesium's canvas.

nf-s commented 4 years ago

Terriajs has a MapboxVectorTileImageryProvider which draws (polygons only at this point in time) to canvas - see https://github.com/TerriaJS/terriajs/blob/master/lib/Map/MapboxVectorTileImageryProvider.js @steve9164 created this a few years ago, he can give you more info about it

am2222 commented 4 years ago

@nf-s I think the provided sample helps me alot. I have not looked at it in details yet, Does it use any internal files fron terriajs library as well?

nf-s commented 4 years ago

It uses 2 small utility functions from the terria library which are essential, but everything else is imported from Cesium, @mapbox/vector-tile, pbf and urijs (except the i18next internationalisation stuff which can be stripped out)

am2222 commented 4 years ago

@nf-s thanks I could make it work

davenquinn commented 4 years ago

Either of you make any progress on this with working code? I was going to try to hack together an implementation soon as well.

am2222 commented 4 years ago

@davenquinn this code works well with polygons https://github.com/TerriaJS/terriajs/blob/master/lib/Map/MapboxVectorTileImageryProvider.js

robbo1975 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am currently working an an implementation of a StyledVector Map tile provider for Cesium. I am doing this work for a commercial project that I am working on and am willing to contribute the code to the community project. I am making steady progress and will be continuing to develop a solution until it provides at least around 85% of the StyledVector map features. Would the community be interested in receiving this code and if so should I submit through a pull request on a branch associated with this ticket? image1 image2

am2222 commented 4 years ago

@robbo1975 I think it would be great thing having vectoretiles in cesium,

davenquinn commented 4 years ago

@robbo1975: excited to see this contribution! It is sorely needed.

There are different strategies taken by different providers for styling vector layers (e.g. Mapbox, Carto, Deck.gl, and probably OpenLayers although I haven't looked deeply). Does your layer take a separate strategy? Or does it adopt one of the existing solutions (e.g. CartoCSS)?

Either way, would it make sense to first package the project outside of core Cesium as a separate module? This might allow it to evolve quickly and independently — if it proves to be a widely useful solution, it could easily be integrated into Cesium itself at that point. I recently packed up a terrain provider that might be a good example of how to structure an external Cesium plugin.

robbo1975 commented 4 years ago

@davenquinn I have adopted the mapbox standard in my approach because of a need to support ESRI Vector tile services. Your suggestion of developing as an external plugin module seems eminently sensible; however, JavaScript is not my first language so I'm still trying to find my feet with all of the language concepts and associated Frameworks and tools! I will take a look at your example module and see if I can replicate the core modular capability. Thanks for your feedback :)

davenquinn commented 4 years ago

@robbo1975 the Mapbox standard is the most widely used, so having a renderer targeted at that would be wonderful, and extremely useful for our work as well. If you were able to create a project, I'd be happy to help with code review etc. (as someone who is mostly an outsider to Cesium, but a fairly proficient javascript developer).

robbo1975 commented 4 years ago

@davenquinn I have managed to get a bare-bones project started for a node module that can plug in to Cesium. It is still very much in the prototype stage, but you are welcome to provide feedback. https://github.com/robbo1975/MapboxVectorTileImageryProvider

kring commented 4 years ago

Hey @robbo1975, thanks for working on this and for sharing your code! I just wanted to mention real quick that CesiumJS can't accept GPL-licensed code because of CesiumJS's much more permissive Apache 2.0 license. I suspect most CesiumJS applications would also be unable to use it. Not sure if the license was a conscious choice there, but thought I should mention it.

robbo1975 commented 4 years ago

@kring Thanks for the observation; it was an oversight on my part. I have updated the license to the more permissive MIT license

hmartiro commented 3 years ago

+1 for Mapbox vector tile support!

TJPovey commented 3 years ago

has there been any further development on this? There are several vector basemaps provided by esri that I would love to use as imagery providers

robbo1975 commented 3 years ago


Thanks for the interest. I do need to complete this project, but recently I've been tied up with other work. I will need to complete within the next 6 months or so, but with will depend on getting time to focus on the improvements that need to be made.

Happy to take assistance if anybody has the skills to help.


On Thu, 24 Sep 2020, 11:01 TJPovey, notifications@github.com wrote:

has there been any further development on this? There are several vector basemaps provided by esri that I would love to use as imagery providers

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kikitte commented 3 years ago

Hi, here (https://github.com/kikitte/MVTImageryProvider) is another implementation of MapboxVectorTileImageryProvider using Mapbox-vector-tiles-basic-js-renderer. I hope it will help somebody who want to render mapbox vector tile in cesium.

davenquinn commented 3 years ago

Hi — just an update on this thread: I tried several approaches to this rendering problem for my work on visualizing Mars in advance of the Perseverance landing this week. The approach brought over from TerriaJS works well but is relatively slow. @kikitte's renderer based on the Mapbox GL fork also works well and is much quicker (that's what I ended up using, ultimately). I think some sort of WebGL approach based on Mapbox GL (pre-license-change) or Deck.gl would be appropriate long term, with the significant benefit that we could reuse some of the work on styling/symbology that has gone into these renderers. There's no reason why we couldn't have multiple vector-tile backends, too.

Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 12 17 40 PM
ChillAndImprove commented 2 years ago


davenquinn commented 2 years ago

Actually, yeah there are some updates! I just finished the initial public rollout of the cesium-vector-provider module and created a demo website that shows it in action.

I think this will be pretty great implementation that maximizes compatibility with the Mapbox stack, especially once some of the outstanding design deficiencies are addressed. I'm working to ensure that the project can be based directly on the rendering stack within Maplibre GL (see https://github.com/maplibre/maplibre-gl-js/issues/166). It'd be nice if we could eventually drop in a Mapbox stylesheet to Cesium and get a functional basemap.

Contributions to the project are welcome!

ebogo1 commented 2 years ago

@davenquinn Thanks for the updates and work on the vector provider module! We started taking a look at your repo and were wondering if you had any ideas about how the code could be included in CesiumJS. The main concern is that maplibre-gl is ~14 MB unpacked, which could be a bit heavy for combined Cesium builds.

Just to throw a couple ideas out there, we could:

davenquinn commented 2 years ago

Hi @ebogo1, and thanks for looking at this. I agree that the size of Maplibre GL is a bit of a problem here. Right now the cesium-vector-provider module references a full/compiled version of Maplibre, but that is because I haven't figured out the right strategy for referring to things directly from their source code (a large part of the problem here is replicating their wasm compilation pipeline). This is probably simple but the module just hasn't evolved to that point.

Thinking ahead, I suspect that having this component as a standalone module makes sense. Ideally, it would just be a custom layer that can be imported with all dependencies from an external node module (this is the role that cesium-vector-provider seeks to fill). This would allow glue code between Maplibre and Cesium to have a lifecycle independent of Cesium's internals, and would allow (the large majority of) people with no need for Mapbox-compatible vector rendering to omit this heavy dependency.

I don't know if keeping things outside of the Cesium core library is a preferred approach of the team or how it fits with your development workflow, but it's how I'd try to proceed, at least initially.