CesiumGS / cesium

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Labels/billboards/points crossing the IDL in 2D get clipped #3960

Open pjcozzi opened 8 years ago

pjcozzi commented 8 years ago


Models are OK across the IDL, #3764.

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
    sceneMode : Cesium.SceneMode.SCENE2D

    position : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(175, 40.03883),
    billboard :{
        image : '../images/Cesium_Logo_overlay.png'
hpinkos commented 8 years ago

Reported on the forum here: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!topic/cesium-dev/el4cxKAKxAA

pjcozzi commented 8 years ago

Points have the same issue; see #4179.

hpinkos commented 7 years ago

Also reported here: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!topic/cesium-dev/erAXhaT8reI

hpinkos commented 7 years ago

Also reported here: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/cesium-dev/Po7DMCeuCsA/pVjEPZ9qCgAJ

hpinkos commented 6 years ago

Also reported by @mspencev in #6020

thekishanraval commented 4 years ago

I have been facing the issue as well. Is there any workaround until the bug is addressed? IDl-clipping

antoniocomique-navagis commented 4 years ago

Hi guys, do you have update regarding this bug? thanks.

OmarShehata commented 4 years ago

We aren't actively working on this at the moment.

ggetz commented 1 year ago

Reported in https://community.cesium.com/t/billboard-and-labels-cut-off-by-2d-world-wrap-seam/20513/2

tristan-valar commented 7 months ago

Is this still broken? Its quite a deal breaker.

shuuji3 commented 5 months ago

Hi, this is not the question about this 2D issue itself but I'd like to know about the initial animated image in the issue description. It looks like the satellite object is a 3D object, not a 2D image. Is there a Cesium Sandcastle for that satellite animation? Thanks.

The code example was not about the 3D object, but for the 2D Cesium logo image.

Screenshot from 2024-04-05 17-33-34 https://sandcastle.cesium.com/#c=bZBRa8IwFIX/SuhLK5RU58bEVRlU39z2IOwpIGlz7cLSm5KkFTf870tbxeF2n+49uefLSVpuSCvhAIYsCMKBZGBlU9H3XovCoh8zjY5LBBPG5Jsh8WULQHjRAsj84tleJLrN1q/ruxXD0+iJIcPhBgropJNgKRciOnNqbb2m8YrJuHG+4zile6OrFZQGwEaTx4eY3I/peDqbTUfx4M6lUrnmRpD5mdeVrHjZ5QopTfreJgN7t9Gl3ukWjOJHWmMZDqZTnzSIg9S6o4LlBfUsq1obRxqjIs9yUNWK+3BJ3hSf4GhhbffAbjVNfltTIVsixYIFNx/IAlIobq0/2TdKbeUXsGCZJn7/j1VpLiSWb0Pcbu1jstwMIqU0Tfz4v9NprXJubsg/