CesiumGS / gltf-pipeline

Content pipeline tools for optimizing glTF assets. :globe_with_meridians:
Apache License 2.0
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Very long glb compression time #575

Open ketourneau opened 3 years ago

ketourneau commented 3 years ago


We compress glb files with draco with gltf-pipeline : gltf-pipeline -i file.glb -o output.glb --binary --draco.compresssMeshes --draco.quantizePositionBits 16 --draco.unifiedQuantization true --draco.compressionLevel 10

With this glb file, draco compression took 45 min. With this glb file, draco compresion took 27 min.

We tried to use --draco.compressionLevel 1but compression time still remains the same.

We have an average compression time of 5min on 112 glb so we don't understand why the 2 glb above take so much time.

Our Draco compression run in a docker image node:12-stretch-slim

Hardware Specifications

Thanks in advance !

Ben-Mack commented 3 years ago

When my models contains nearly ten million tris, gltf-pipeline could be stalled for days (on a Ryzen 5950x).

Can we ultilize the c++ encoder to have the most of the speed?