CesiumGS / webglreport

A web page that reports a browser's WebGL capabilities, including supported extensions and implementation specific capabilities, such as the maximum number of texture units.
Apache License 2.0
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Reduce border on mobile/high-DPI devices #15

Closed mramato closed 10 years ago

mramato commented 10 years ago

On my phone and Nexus 7, WebGL displays (in portrait mode) as a single panel as shown in the below screenshot. It wouldn't be so bad except the border is way to thick. Rotating the device so that you're in landscape works, but it would be nice to just have less border. This is pretty minor, but I figured I'd mention it.


emackey commented 10 years ago

Did you test this with #14?

mramato commented 10 years ago

14 seems to have the opposite issue, the margins are smaller but it starts way zoomed in and I have to zoom out to see anything.