CesiumGS / webglreport

A web page that reports a browser's WebGL capabilities, including supported extensions and implementation specific capabilities, such as the maximum number of texture units.
Apache License 2.0
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Display unmasked vendor and renderer #23

Closed TiborsHub closed 9 years ago

TiborsHub commented 9 years ago

I added a pull request which displays the unmasked vendor and renderer if the extension WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is available. Please check.

mramato commented 9 years ago

@TiborsHub just an FYI that pull requests are already issues; so when you open a pull request you don't have to write a new issue too. It's not a big deal, I just wanted to give you a heads up.

Also, thanks for the PR, I was wondering why we didn't do something like this already when I found out IE recently added support for this extension.