CesiumGS / webglreport

A web page that reports a browser's WebGL capabilities, including supported extensions and implementation specific capabilities, such as the maximum number of texture units.
Apache License 2.0
391 stars 99 forks source link

Use webglreport.com as main domain name #9

Closed shunter closed 11 years ago

shunter commented 11 years ago

We have a redirect for http://webglreport.com that takes you to http://analyticalgraphicsinc.github.com/webglreport which then takes you to http://analyticalgraphicsinc.github.io/webglreport, but it would be more professional to just stay on webglreport.com.

Instructions here:


This will need a small change to the DNS by AGI's IS department as well.

shunter commented 11 years ago

The DNS change is in place. http://webglreport.com works directly now and should be the domain we use everywhere.