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Linticator won't run #128

Open DdOtzen opened 2 years ago

DdOtzen commented 2 years ago

It is a bit unclear, but linicator repo does not have a issue tab, so I assume here is the place to post linticator issues too?

Expected Behavior

When i click "run linicator" i expect it to run some lint commands. And if it can't, I expect an error message that enables me to identify the problem.

Actual Behavior

I get a pop-up saying (Cannot create a file when that file already exists)

I have no clue what that file is. the log does not tell me eiter

!ENTRY com.linticator.Linticator 4 0 2022-02-01 13:14:43.242
!MESSAGE  (Cannot create a file when that file already exists)
java.io.FileNotFoundException:  (Cannot create a file when that file already exists)
    at java.base/java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method)
    at java.base/java.io.FileInputStream.open(Unknown Source)
    at java.base/java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.linticator.base.FileUtil.readFile(FileUtil.java:22)
    at com.linticator.config.CompilerConfigConfigurator.updateCompilerConfigFile(CompilerConfigConfigurator.java:31)
    at com.linticator.config.ProjectConfig.updateConfig(ProjectConfig.java:143)
    at com.linticator.lint.LintProjectJob.runLint(LintProjectJob.java:41)
    at com.linticator.lint.LintJob.run(LintJob.java:84)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:63)

Cevelop Version, Operating System and Compiler

Well no cevelop version. It is Code Composer Studio Version: Based on Eclipse Version: 2.3.500.v20210303-1800 Build id: I20210303-1800 with Linticator

DdOtzen commented 2 years ago

Update: I discovered that linticator somehow lost is't setup. after instalation i configured it, and ran the provoded test, all fine, i ran it on my code, all fine. Then I experienced that a run of linticator resultet in a lot of entries in progress window of "remote system operation" and a message that heap mem was running low, where after eclipse grinded to a halt. I had to force close it. It was after this force close i saw the behaviour described in issue. Later i remembered to the build in test, and it was here i got a message that linticator was not configured, i ran the configuration once more and the issue disappeared.

So it is fixed for me, but I leave it open, for you to cosider if it is possible to give better error message in this case (if reproducible)