Cewein / nerv_pathtracer

a pathtracer with physically based rendering in mind
MIT License
27 stars 1 forks source link

FreeLook is not working properly #6

Closed Cewein closed 4 years ago

Cewein commented 4 years ago

I have remove the function nerv::camera::setFront() because it's useless since we use rotation instead of directilly changing the front vector.

Commit in question

Cewein commented 4 years ago

I think the actual view update is wrong we might need to had a glm::mat4 called view in the nerv::camera class because as of now it's total crap.

Cewein commented 4 years ago

Alright now it's the movement that is bugged not the rotation anymore, changing title of the issue

Cewein commented 4 years ago

it's as been more than a month and no progress as been made in the subject. will get back on the topic soon