Open FredPetris opened 7 years ago
pour IOS
voici les liens des bugs
pour android :
arrow_drop_down Exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.MapView.onResume()' on a null object reference com.mapbox.reactnativemapboxgl.ReactNativeMapboxGLView.onHostResume ( com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactContext$ ( android.os.Handler.handleCallback ( android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage ( com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadHandler.dispatchMessage ( android.os.Looper.loop ( ( java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke ($ ( (
Quelle est la version de mapbox utilisée ?
@FredPetris pour android
Voilà le retour de MAPBOX :
"Hey Fred, thanks for reaching out.
Thanks for your interest in Mapbox! We're excited to get our tools and maps in front of as many developers and users as possible, but we're not able to provide support for React Native Mapbox GL to same extent as our iOS or Android SDKs. React Native Mapbox GL is currently experimental. We urge you to please submit any bug reports and pull requests within the GitHub repository instead:
Being entirely open source and a modestly-sized dev team, we've relied on the community to help out by supporting one another. I recommend asking your question on Stack Overflow to get help from others who may be facing this issue.
We're also currently looking to hire someone so we can begin providing support for users interested in React Native. Feel free to share this link to the position opening with your friends, or apply if you are interested!
Kind regards, Nadia"
@Kottidev : des nouvelles de ton côté ?
Android : le package fait palnter l'appli IOS : cercle bleu autour du point de l'utilisateur, cercle plus ou moins important mais empêchant de cliquer sur les points des commerces.
Serait-il possible d'avoir l'historique des échanges avec MapBox afin de les relancer et de comprendre de notre côté. Merci.