Chadtech / HSLBylawsAmendments2014

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Removed sexist language, clarified that responsibilities fall on the mem... #2

Open blhack opened 10 years ago

blhack commented 10 years ago

...bership, not the board.

Chadtech commented 10 years ago

I dont interpret the original passage 5.3 as being one about responsibilities. I think it instead serves to validate any reprimanding on behalf of the board, which has unfortunately been necessary in the past, and could be necessary in the future.

But I can see some merit in modifying 5.3. For example the proximity doesnt seem relevant. Modifying 5.3 to say 'Violation of the Code of Conduct shall be reprimanded at the discretion of officers of the Board of Directors ' seems to be appropriate.

I wouldnt see the harm in having in the code of conduct both a modified version of 5.3, and Ryan's replacement for 5.3, as in, a claim authorizing the board to enforce the code of conduct, and a separate passage that emphasizes our community's expectations of mutual management from it's members.

What do you guys think?

zyphlar commented 10 years ago

This was discussed previously here:

I do want to see improved "anti harrassment policies" but would rather see minor, common-sense changes be passed (i.e. the "reprimanded" language has never been accurate or useful) rather than have this tabled for another year.