Chadtech / HSLBylawsAmendments2014

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Major Purchasing Amendment #4

Open Chadtech opened 10 years ago

Chadtech commented 10 years ago

Our bylaws have always kind of been out of sync with how we actually purchase stuff in the lab. At the 2014 pre board meeting meeting the topic of budgeting was severely discussed. I have been thinking it over the last week and a half and here is my suggestion. Its pretty major, with makes me uneasy, but I think it would work well, and accommodate the way Heatsync currently spends money.

Like always, suggestions welcome.

Major Purchasing Amendment

Create a 'Spending' section, and add to it the following passages:

1. All passed proposals, voted on during Heatsync's biweekly legislative meeting "Hack Your Hackerspace", that do not contradict the existing bylaws, shall have the same authority as the bylaws. This includes purchasing, as well as procedural proposals.

1) All passed purchase proposals, voted on during Heatsyncs biweekly legislative meeting "Hack Your Hackerspace", and with the consent of the board implied by their silence, are alone sufficient to authorize the purchase specified in the proposal.

2) A board member, or agent of Heatsync Labs, may purchase using Heatsync's funds with explicit and specific approval from a majority of the board.

3) Per request from a station head, and within a publicly disclosed and pre established budget, purchases may be made in order to keep their station in good working order.

4. Spending of Heatsync’s funds in a manner not authorized in the points 1,2 and 3 listed above, is not granted. Spending of Heatsync funds that happens in a manner not authorized in the points 1,2 and 3 listed above must be promptly disclosed either to the community, or the board of directors.

4) Teachers may be paid for the classes they teach, as fraction of revenue Heatsync received from each student, so long as the class fee and teachers payment was arranged prior

5) All expenses for the most basic necessities of the lab, including rent, utilities, internet and supplies, may be paid.

6) Spending of Heatsync’s funds in a manner not authorized in the points 1 through 5 listed above, is not granted. Spending of Heatsync funds that happens in a manner not authorized in the points 1 through 5 listed above must be promptly disclosed either to the community, or the board of directors.

Remove the following passages:

2.11 All monetary expenditures provisioned by HSL's treasury will require the written signature of a minimum of two officers of the Board of Directors for approval.

2.14 The Board of Directors, in a majority vote, must approve any purchase made by HSL if the purchase total exceeds the sum of $50.

3.2 Where it is not reasonably practicable to obtain approval of the Board of Directors before entering into a self dealing transaction, the office of the Treasurer or Champion may approve such a transaction under the condition that, at the following meeting of the Board of Directors, a quorum of the Board of Directors determines that the transaction was in the unbiased and best interests of the HSL and that it was not reasonably practical to obtain advance approval by a full quorum of the Board of Directors.

zyphlar commented 10 years ago
  1. I don't think this amendment is a good idea; adding bylaw-level formality to relatively-informal HYH votes can only cause problems; as it is, where the bylaws are quiet about something the community/board is free to make whatever rules it needs. So this amendment is already the case, but by writing it out we risk major conflicts or issues if something silly happens at HYH (i.e. how do we resolve conflicts, how do we know what the exact wording of a HYH proposal last Christmas was, etc.)
  2. This removes the $50 minimum mentioned previously, but doesn't put any new minimum on; thus you would have to get approval from a majority of the board for a $5 expense. I prefer my proposed amendment here instead:
  3. I agree except instead of "pre established" it would be more clear to say something like "pre approved"

If you do this, I also suggest adding a provision that "the board may authorize recurring or variable-cost expenses, such as authorizing the payment of monthly utility bills." This has been a major question in the past.

Finally, the status of station budgets is a bit nebulous. It would be a good idea to make sure that we actually have an established budget for each station and publicize each one so that questions over laser tubes, shop renovations, PLA purchases, etc, are minimized and streamlined.

Chadtech commented 10 years ago

(1) When I wrote passage 1, I didnt have in mind that HYH proposals are becoming bylaws, but that the bylaws respects them. As in passage one is saying 'HYH is what matters, not this stuff'. That way the bylaws recognize that an HYH proposal is enough. The formality of the proposal I didnt think was key. Do you think if I were to rewrite it to emphasize this, it would be acceptable?

I dont think I understand your point about the proposal from last christmas. We have the wording of the proposals. They are on the discussion group.

(2) A passage specifying a minimum purchase can be tweaked into something good, so I can see that it can work well enough. I think its the wrong direction about this kind of stuff though. We can abuse spending with $20 purchases far easier than we can abuse $2000 purchases. How we spend money is key to permission, not the amount of money. Im more concerned about proper spending, than I am about avoiding spending abuse in our modest community.

(3) By pre-approved, do you mean, some kind of approval process must have been completed (like an HYH or a board vote)? I used 'pre established' to make sure that some kind of event must have happened to set up these budgets, but not necessarily a formal gathering like an HYH or a board vote.

Chadtech commented 10 years ago

I presently intend on revising passage 1, to state more directly that HYH spending proposals are enough to authorize spending.

zyphlar commented 10 years ago

I like the revised Passage 1, but I still think that a monetary dividing line between HYH and Board votes is a good idea. I believe that a few community members should not be able to authorize a $10,000 purchase without board oversight, for example. A more realistic number might be $1,000.

Chadtech commented 10 years ago


Im curious at to what my other board members think about your suggestion. If they are in favor Ill incorporate your change.

Just to be clear: the only means of normal community members to spend Heatsync's funds would be an HYH, which would have to meet quorum. The worse case scenario of minimal community involvement, would be 8 members gathering at 7pm on a second thursday, and 5 of them voting in favor of a $10,000 purchase.

Chadtech commented 10 years ago

Does anyone have any opinion on me adding a passage about classes? I really dont want to add anymore to it, but I also want it to be complete, and encompassing of our current practices.

zyphlar commented 10 years ago

I do think that authorizing payment of class dues owed (not to exceed amount of class fees collected) is a no-brainer. Maybe look thru your expense categories and see if there are any other such expenses that obviously need to be paid.

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 7:19 PM, Chadtech wrote:

Does anyone have any opinion on me adding a passage about classes? I really dont want to add anymore to it, but I also want it to be complete, and encompassing of our current practices.

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zyphlar commented 10 years ago

Also, the REAL worst case scenario is for that to happen, and/or we spend $10,000 on a tool that sits collecting dust for a year because nobody wants to teach classes / maintain the thing. Or the community votes for a super-expensive party, which damages our 501c3 status. I think that's the most valuable reason for a board to exist: oversight regarding our mission, 501c3 status, and laws.

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 7:11 PM, Chadtech wrote:


Im curious at to what my other board members think about your suggestion. If they are in favor Ill incorporate your change.

Just to be clear: the only means of normal community members to spend Heatsync's funds would be an HYH, which would have to meet quorum. The worse case scenario of minimal community involvement, would be 8 members gathering at 7pm on a second thursday, and 5 of them voting in favor of a $10,000 purchase.

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Chadtech commented 10 years ago

Eric Ose and I just verbally talked this amendment out. He also kind of wanted something that would allow the board to veto unreasonable HYH proposals. I amended passage 1 to give the board a small veto power.

I also incorporated Will's feedback about utilities and teacher fees as passages 4 and 5.

zyphlar commented 10 years ago

Thanks for showing an interest in, and taking care of, this administrivia stuff Chad. It's probably been two years since we knew we needed to fix this kind of stuff.

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 10:17 PM, Chadtech wrote:

Eric Oe and I just verbally talked this amendment out. He also kind of wanted something that would allow the board to veto unreasonable HYH proposals. I amended passage 1 to give the board a small veto power.

I also incorporated Will's feedback about utilities and teacher fees as passages 4 and 5.

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