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One Dreamer #68

Open ChaelCodes opened 2 years ago

ChaelCodes commented 2 years ago





One Dreamer Prologue Thumbnail

Rough Draft of Content

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One Dreamer is a heartfelt, beautiful game. Normally, the programming itself is the purpose of a Programming Game, but here it's used as a mechanic to reinforce the story of Frank, a burnt-out indie game dev. You walk through gorgeous levels with atmospheric music, interacting with various objects and changing variables as you pass. Not all of these are purely utilitarian or puzzle-based! You can customize a duck, change the music on VR stations, or turn the lights on in an abandoned home.

It's a game that inspires you to explore the world through programming, instead of tackling puzzle after puzzle.

The prologue is currently available on Steam for free. It follows the journey of Frank, an indie game dev who's burnt out on his work with Isekai VR, and literally, anything else I could say would spoil the game for you. I was in tears at the end, and I didn't cry for Firewatch.

It's a fairly short prologue that takes me about 30 minutes to an hour, so I've played it 3 times now. The first was because it looked interesting. The second was for my Streamiversary. The third was during the Steam festival, and the creator of the game reached out and asked me to stream on One Dreamer's Steam page. Every time, I get choked up and a little touched! Most folks want to know if they can play a Programming Game without prior experience, and I can say, "Absolutely, yes." to this one. It doesn't teach you to code or intend to teach you to code, but you learn to read lines of code. The interface involves selecting between true and false, or setting a variable to an integer. It's all mouse-based and doesn't require you to synthesize code. > One Dreamer isn't a difficult game, it's an atmospheric, heartfelt one that leans heavily into the story. As a player, I want to know: - [x] What is the story of the game? - [x] What real life skills will I learn? - [x] What are the mechanics? - [x] Is it fun? - [x] Singleplayer or multiplayer? - Runtime? How many puzzles? - [x] Soundtrack? - [x] Is it hard? Complex? - [x] Difficulty curve? - [x] Rating? Quick Guide - | - --- | --- Rating | 10/10 Levels | 4! Difficulty | 2/5 Multiplayer | false Look what I found!!! A steam widget: ``` ``` This is the right game.