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Your First Open-Source Contribution #75

Closed ChaelCodes closed 9 months ago

ChaelCodes commented 2 years ago


This is targeted at existing developers who are intimidated or lack knowledge about contributing to open-source repos. They should come away:


You are here, because you're already interested in open-source. Yes! Amazing!

Why are you doing your job for free or very very cheap?

You are not. You're building something cool and amazing with a number of other contributors with no need to compromise on the vision for financial gain.

You can make a difference.

What? - Let's sprinkle these.

(baby steps) PR Definition: code changes that are attached to a description

Issue - not necessarily an issue. Could be a bug. Could be a change or feature request. Could be an environment or infrastructure change.


Find an issue

Most people say to find something labeled Good First Issue, but I think that's the wrong way to go about it. Dev Environment Setup is HARD. Getting up to speed on a codebase is HARD.

Find a Good First Repo

Your values will vary.

(Not for RubyConf > )"Hacktoberfest was Ruby on Rails last year and they're morally required to tag good-faith PRs."

Find a good issue




YOU DID IT! You made a PR!

This is enough. Your PR lies in the hands of the maintainers now. I had a PR on BlaysMod that sat untouched for YEARS. I've had 2 PRs expire under stalebot's wrath on Rails. This is okay. Your effort was not wasted. The act of creating the PR built muscles and knowledge that are valuable, whether others see that or not. If you never hear a reply, this does not reflect poorly on you. Maintainers are busy people. Human people who have preferences and imposter syndrome and feelings.

Reasons your PR has no review

Types of Contributions:

If you create something cool and contribute, please let me know!!

(me slide)

Thank you! Any questions?


During the Talk

After the Talk

Talk Page

YouTube Video


Talk Thumbnail Promo image
Talk Description Short
30s clip for Twitter/Promotion of the intro of the talk
ChaelCodes commented 9 months ago

Should I update this one? I'm thinking it's good.