Chaffelson / nipyapi

A convenient Python wrapper for Apache NiFi
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Unable to authenticate with nifi using nipyapi - SSL Error #284

Closed narasimhatejav closed 2 years ago

narasimhatejav commented 2 years ago

Unable to authorize nifi from nipyapi


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@Chaffelson , I have installed nifi 1.14.0 in my windows system. I am trying to access nifi with nipyapi, i have tried by Creating self signed certificate

What I Did

By Creating self signed certificate

As suggested by @kevdoran in the below link i have followed the same steps and i am able to create self signed certificates but even with certificates i am not able to login to nifi


`import nipyapi from nipyapi.nifi import configuration as nifi_config from os import path from nipyapi import canvas,config secured_registry_url = 'https://localhost:18443/nifi-registry-api' secured_nifi_url = 'https://localhost:8443/nifi-api'

host_certs_path = "C:/nipyapi-tests/keys" service='registry', ca_file=path.join(host_certs_path, 'localhost-ts.pem'), client_cert_file=path.join(host_certs_path, 'client-cert.pem'), client_key_file=path.join(host_certs_path, 'client-key.pem'), client_key_password='123456' )

registry_user = nipyapi.utils.wait_to_complete(, service='registry', bool_response=True, nipyapi_delay=nipyapi.config.long_retry_delay, nipyapi_max_wait=nipyapi.config.long_max_wait )

nipyapi.utils.set_endpoint(secured_nifi_url) service='nifi', ca_file=host_certs_path + '/localhost-ts.pem' )

nipyapi.utils.wait_to_complete(, service='nifi', username='d14d933b-51a8-482b-9d7a-65855b45d7b7', password='6dTpkYwjCFMfDwCem4Lh5JDcSax9+m9K', bool_response=True, nipyapi_delay=nipyapi.config.long_retry_delay, nipyapi_max_wait=nipyapi.config.long_max_wait )

root_id = canvas.get_root_pg_id()`

username and password are generated by NIFI while installing

Error :

ValueError: Timed Out waiting for get_service_access_status to complete


Its a urgent one, as of now we want a working model with or without ssl, we will get started with the flow.

ottobackwards commented 2 years ago

I am guessing here but wouldn't the issue being that you in nipyapi need to use the same self signed certificate and things that nifi is using when it starts up?

narasimhatejav commented 2 years ago

@ottobackwards Thank you for your quick response

The below are the file,,,,,,

But now when i try to run the below code :

`nipyapi.utils.set_endpoint(secured_nifi_url) service='nifi', ca_file=host_certs_path + '/localhost-ts.pem' )

nipyapi.utils.wait_to_complete(, service='nifi', username='user1', password='123456', bool_response=True, nipyapi_delay=nipyapi.config.long_retry_delay, nipyapi_max_wait=nipyapi.config.long_max_wait )`

I am getting the below error and warnings:

'C:\Users\naras\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\urllib3\ SubjectAltNameWarning: Certificate for localhost has no subjectAltName, falling back to check for a commonName for now. This feature is being removed by major browsers and deprecated by RFC 2818. (See for details.) warnings.warn(

MaxRetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8443): Max retries exceeded with url: /nifi-api/access/token (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError("hostname 'localhost' doesn't match 'user1'")))'

This is how i have created certificate authority :

tls-toolkit.bat standalone --certificateAuthorityHostname localhost --hostnames localhost --subjectAlternativeNames nifi,registry,secure-nifi,secure-registry --nifiDnSuffix ", OU=nifi" --keyStorePassword 123456 --trustStorePassword 123456 --clientCertDn "CN=user1, OU=nifi" --clientCertPassword 123456 --days 9999 --outputDirectory C:\nipyapi-tests

Please let me know if i am missing something in configuration

ottobackwards commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure how to fix what you are seeing. But... if you look at and the docker images in the project, you can see an example of connection to a secure setup.

I would suggest that you examine that.

Chaffelson commented 2 years ago

The error about subjectAltName is telling you that you are using incorrectly built certificates, it is a common response from NiFi when you don't correctly follow standards. The error hostname 'localhost' doesn't match 'user1 is more or less saying the same thing for a different reason, but I think you should look at how your Certs are built. 1.14 is secure by default which may also be tripping you up.

narasimhatejav commented 2 years ago

Thanks @Chaffelson @ottobackwards for your suggestions, I have followed the same commands in this link , i will check this. I will close this issue