Chaffelson / nipyapi

A convenient Python wrapper for Apache NiFi
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vulnerabilities in future 0.18.2 #323

Open davis-anthony opened 1 year ago

davis-anthony commented 1 year ago


Vulnerability outlined in CVE-2022-40899. Unfortunately it looks like that project is dead and will likely not be updated. This will need to be dropped as a dependency and use of future refactored to some other component.

What I Did

Including the dependency for nipyapi 0.19.1 in my local project and running it through OWASP results in a failure due to the dependency on future 0.18.2. If I exclude this dependency, I get a build failure with a reference to this CVE:


This blocks our build pipelines and poses a security risk in our production environment.

ottobackwards commented 1 year ago

It doesn't look to me that future is maintained anymore. Here is the PR to fix it:

One option that comes to mind for me would be:

Chaffelson commented 8 months ago

I see that the patched version of future was created as 0.18.3 We have been testing with it for several releases, but I will explicitly set it as a requirement in the next release.